Who's Taking The Anti-Tax Demos Seriously Vs Those Who Think It's Funny

The strong rumor on the streets is that Kenya Kwisha is wishing for an attempt for coup so they throw out the constitution and rule by decree. Watch this space!


Now go back up there and read what jambasis mouth piece, Oscar sudi is saying.

Rex Kanyike’s parents at city mortuary after their son was killed during the reject the Finance Bill 2024 protests

#RejectFinanceBill2024 Goes Global in US, Canada, Australia & Other Countries [LIST]

On Friday, June 21, a section of Bondo residents in Siaya County stormed Constituency Development Fund (CDF) offices protesting their Member of Parliament Gideon Ochanda’s decision to vote in favour of the Finance Bill.

The residents could be captured holding a brown coffin engraved with the legislator’s name before matching to the MP’s offices to deliver their message.

While expressing their fury, the residents demanded the immediate resignation of the lawmaker from his current position, terming him a traitor.

The mostly men protestors also held huge placards with the legislator’s name written on them as they projected their disappointment with Ochanda’s controversial decision.

According to the angry residents, Ochanda’s decision to vote in favour of the contentious bill did not represent their wish as the electorates.

Despite police efforts to bar their entry into the offices, the adamant protestors resorted to standing outside the premises as they held high the coffin, signifying their intention to oust him.

In an analogous situation in Kwale County, youths on Friday morning staged demonstrations along the pathway leading to Msambweni member of parliament Feisal Badir Abdalla’s office.

During the demonstrations, the youths accused the lawmaker of betraying them by reportedly voting ‘yes’ to the bill.

While carrying twigs and placards, the demonstrators attempted to invade the MP’s offices but were quickly chased away by police officers who were on high alert.

The latest developments come against the backdrop of the legislators’ approval of the Finance Bill despite mass demonstrations across the country.

On Thursday evening, members of the National Assembly sailed the bill through to the second reading after a majority of the legislators voted in favour of the proposed law.

A total of 204 MPs voted in favour of the Bill, 115 voted against it, with zero abstentions.


Let the Sudis and Ichungwas make noise, it’s what they are good at.
The end of all this charade is to chase away the mpigs who voted Yes. That’s when saliver will dry up in their mouths and they’ll slowly start realizing it wasn’t just a bad dream, afterall.
The f_ing shit’s real!


Why don’t NIS advise the president accordingly? Gen Z and the excessive taxation economic situation is a time bomb tht could explode


Nabii is so confident and believes he’s the smartest politician Kenya ever had.
His cock suckers emphasize that to him every chance they get. :slightly_smiling_face:

The strong rumor on the streets is that Kenya Kwisha is wishing for an attempt for coup so they throw out the constitution and rule by decree. Watch this space!


That is the plan but he should know that today is 2024 and not 1981


Kimani is an idiot…his own child was graduating from Rusinga school and he was busy in Eldama Ravine yapping like a mad cow…he sucks as a father too.


It is not easy advising a demagogue narcissist that believes he is right. Have you ever interacted with politicians even in a forum? They have egos the size of the universe. They believe the fact that they were popularly elected they are smarter than anyone else. It needs a very down to earth and humble man to realize they do not know everything. Now imagine an NIS government appointee trying to tell Nabii he is wrong? Si ataambiwa yeye ndio anafeed his opponents intelligence? He can even find himself in Tsavo. Someone like Ruto needs only affirmment even former CIA fellows used to say Trump never wanted intelligence that goes counter to his views. Nabii is in the same boat. You can see by the way he surrounds himself with Yes men. Kina Keter who would have provided critical decenting oppinions in his kitchen cabinet wako nje. David Ndii expressed the same frustrations during the first few months but eventually aligundua wacha tu akule minofu time is running out


he mostly thinks so because he won. he might have been doubting he may lose


good to know the wanker is completely out to get our asses as a change to his meat-ways



Wamuchomba ataenda nyumbani saa mbili asubuhi. She has played people for the last time



@omoisi_omong_aini is mack muga’s beeeeeeech
@kumani :tangerine: is lootalls beeeeeeech

Bishop Jackson Ole Sapit on Sunday, June 23, declined a request by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to allow one of the leaders to speak during a church service.

Gachagua, while speaking in a church in Nyahururu, Laikipia County, had requested the bishop to allow him to invite a guest, adding that the said leader would not go against the guidelines not to divulge into politics.

The Second in Command was introducing other leaders who had accompanied him and President William Ruto to the church service. While trying to sway Sapit’s decision, Gachagua explained that the leader was part of the clergy.

However, the bishop declined the request leaving Gachagua in awe before continuing with his speech.

Anglican Church Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit

“The bishop has said no. I wanted to ask Naomi Waqo (Marsabit Woman Representative) to speak. Just come and say a few words,” Gachagua stated before explaining that Sapit had declined, “Never mind. The bishop has refused. Things are not normal as usual.”

After the incident, some of the leaders led by President Ruto burst into laughter.

The decline came as Kenyans continue to oppose the Finance Bill 2024 which has led to demonstrations dubbed OccupyParliament and OccupyChurches. A section of churches had been urged not to give an audience to politicians during today’s service.

Notably, this was part of the seven days of protests planned to ensure the government listened to the concerns raised and dropped the bill. A few Kenyans were spotted in various churches countrywide publicly opposing the bill.

Bishop Simon Peter Kamomoe, the Auxiliary Bishop of Nairobi, while speaking during a church service today asked the government to respond to the young Kenyans rather than reacting.

“We pray for our government not to react to them but to respond. Let’s not underestimate the power of the young people, if the government is wise enough it should know that is an issue to be addressed,” he added.

As the protests continue, Kenyans have urged President Ruto to listen and ease the cost of living. He has been asked to consider the millions of Kenyans who are living hand-to-mouth and can barely afford basic commodities.

Fortunately, while also speaking at the same service as his deputy, Ruto noted that the government is expected to have a sit down with young Kenyans to draft a way forward.

Ruto’s chief economic advisor David Ndii on Sunday, June 23, had a change of heart announcing that he supports Gen Z protests 100 per cent.

Ndii had earlier criticised the demonstrations stating that they were being conducted by children of the wealthy whose parents had earlier plundered the country.

Explaining his change of heart, Ndii stated that the youth were demanding accountability in a democratic dispensation.

“We are with them 100 per cent. They do not want the politics of kingpins and tribes. We are with them 100 per cent,” he stated.

“They do not want to be used by demagogues and sore losers with axes to grind. We are with them 100 per cent.”

Ndii further remarked that contrary to popular belief, he had no issues with the young people protesting.

He explained that the Gen Z protestors had enough support from the reformists in President William Ruto’s administration.

Ndii remarked that reformists in the Kenya Kwanza administration were also enraged by the corruption, wastage and self-aggrandizement of their colleagues.

The economist further accused the police service of using brutal force while engaging the protestors.

He remarked that he had raised the issue of demonstrators being brutalised by Ruto’s government. As chief economic advisor, Ndii is cleared to sit in Ruto’s cabinet meetings.

“Democracy is a middle-class project, and there is or ought to be no issue as central to democratic accountability as public finances,” he added.

Ndii’s change of heart happened at a time when Kenyans against the Finance Bill 2024 have planned nationwide protests to oppose the proposed punitive taxes.

Tick tock…

Kwanini kwasababu anapenda Raira

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Say Word Reaction GIF by Justin

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She should on odm