the fuck is this??Prophet Owuor 'brings woman back to life'

I don’t believe in Jewish superheroes :smiley:

Coma is not = dead …,:smiley:


Then explain the meaning of that story. What really happened?

In this forum?..really?.
ANyway, the jist is that they encountered a parallel reality; a pandemonium of unrestricted options and experiences whose interpretations forced them apart.
Ochi seek and you shall find.:smiley:

What I don’t like about him is how he makes people abandon their families as they follow him on his trips to various places.

That they would do even greater things than He (Jesus) did.

na hizi nongwe zikiona miracles wanasema ati huyo si Yesu!

I don’t think he is to blame. The idiots who follow him are solely to blame for their stupidity. They worship the man and miss the whole idea of him being a ‘messenger’ of God.


Ati john the baptist:D:D:D:D it is like comparing oil and water, john was wearing rags, living in desert and eating locust while the might prophet walks and eats like a king

I like your analogy, Jesus asked the Jews the same thing: they said that John Baptist was a weirdo for living in the desert and eating maparare, now here comes Jesus who dines and wines the finest he could lay his hands on and people still complained calling him a glutton and drunkard. Luke 7: 33-34

Wewe ni mfuasi wake? If yes, Please tell me why you wash roads for him and the insane number of motor vehicles.

someone said he is like john the baptist, and that is why i replied him like that. Now here you are comparing him to jesus, for your inf jesus did live like a common person, not like a king

I did not compare him to Jesus, I just informed you what he replied when he was asked why anapenda Kula Na kunywa.