and what if our creator created us and left us to our own vices and maybe even forgot about us, and all these stories of religion are just Human-made stories to try and make sense of life?
is that a better version?
You can only know about God by reading the bible, and His spirit will also reveal more to you. God knows all evil, God can prevent all evil, so the question is, why cant he prevent evil?. You have to understand that God gave us the gift of Prayer as a way to communicate to Him. Also without faith its impossible to please him. So if you see evil around you, ie someone being corrupt. Pray to God and he will surely answer your prayers if you believe. The israelites cried to Him, and he delivered them, there are other examples in the bible.
So dont just wait for God to do something for you. You gotta pray.
Please evaluate that paradox in totality. All answers are there
Has god ever answered your prayers? Again, why is he referred to as a “He”
so we can assume that
- Christians are not praying for diseases, poverty e.t.c t end
- the Christians who are praying don’t have faith
- the people doing evil are praying harder and have more faith, thats why they continue floirishing in their evil ways?
Do you have a high resolution version?
- how can someone pray (i assume you mean praying to God) for diseases, poverty? such dont come from God
- If you dont believe you will get what you pray for, no answers for you
- Again, dont assosiate God with evil…
That paradox , is just mere human confusion, or rather refusing to understand truth. there is nothing to evaluate.
1.Where do diseases and poverty come from then? I thought God created everything?
2. So in essence, if you believe something it happens? Ain’t there anyone “believing enough” to end this pandemic?
I believe i have answered these questions. Read through the answers up there
No you haven’t. You are just evading the questions.
Too many logical inerrancies here… fatal assumptions. It’s only a paradox if you conform to the Epicurean idea of what God should be. For example, this god has only two options:
I) Want to stop evil, therefore stop it now
ii) Doesn’t stop evil now, therefore cannot stop evil or god is evil
What happens to this question if we add a third alternative
iii) Wants to stop evil, but has set a time in the future to put an end to it
For the paradox to hold, you must buy into the epicurean philosophy of only two possible outcomes for each question posited. Introduce another option and the paradox is no more unless you create another only two possible outcome benchmark, which in turn falls when a third is introduced… and the cycle repeats
This is what we call a “determistic model”. I will get back later
They say God has a purpose and role for everyone in his plan. God does not respond to prayer that is not in support of his purpose. He allows suffering for our own joy, it is meant to allow us get that which our spirit truly desire for our growth. But do not be cheated by anyone he has answers to those questions. People believe not because they have understanding but because God chooses to reveal his glory to men. Job sought those answers and at the end he says ‘I only heard of you but now I have seen you’ yet God did not answer his questions He choose to take him for ride and show him his glory that was so overwhelming.
Deterministic… lakini endelea
Do you understand that term? In terms of variables, variations and outcomes?
Totally. If you did, you’d understand the problem I pointed out with the model
I have a busy day tomorrow, I have to catch some ZZZZs. Let me just elaborate instead of waiting on your reply.
For the Epicurean paradox to be validly deterministic, you must buy into the idea of the Epicurean god… i.e a god who only has the two options set by Epicurean for each question he posits. Deterministic models are self-explanatory… it’s in the name. All variables are deterministic in nature i.e material property is well defined and determined, nothing random. In such a case, all variables must be accounted/determined for the model to hold.
The Epicurean paradox is only deterministic if god has only two options for each question… i.e only two variables/applied loads depending on how you want to slice it. The problem is that the variables aren’t comprehensive. A logical third and fourth and even fifth options are easily added into the equation. So, as I said, it’s only a paradox if you accept Epicurean’s idea of what God’s options are, otherwise, it falls flat on its face.