The Epicurean paradox summarises it all. Which God?

God the creator of the universe is not responsible for the actions of men.
All good deeds and bad deeds come from deep within the freethinking man and I personally find it absurd when the religious decide to pray to end poverty, disease, for peace when we as men should be collectively working to better ourselves.

and the glory was an increase in his worldly possessions.
and later on we are told to leave all our worldly possessions and riches behind to follow Christ and enter Heaven.

who should we associate evil with?
look at the full/bigger picture before answering.

No it was not the increase in world possession, when job said ‘I have heard of you but now I have seen you’ he was still poor and ill. What God did was to take him for a tour through his creation to show him His power and glory which Job found to be humbling. He also rebuked his comforters for assuming Job was suffering because he was a sinner. He blessed his later years not as a reward for his suffering but for he is just in nature.

The paradox will hold as long as the theist continues to insist on the 3 attributes: Omnipotence, Omniscience & Omnibenevolence. The only way out is to drop one of the attributes.

The example you’ve given does not resolve the paradox since an Omnibenevolent being is allowing evil/suffering. Saying that he will stop it later implies that he has the power to stop it now but chooses not to. If he allows evil/suffering for any period of time then he can no longer be called Omnibenevolent. So it seems that you are willing to drop Omnibenevolence.

mi kitu najua ni eti Mungu hafananishwi… sa kama creation zake hunipea stress kufikiria mnataka nifikirie juu yake kwanini?? eish , I just obey His commands and live on. I am so minute to even question


Again, I have never heard of the claim that God is omnibenevolent in that HE doesn’t allow evil. God brings judgment on people, so not only does he allow bad things to happen, he actively causes a good number of them. The criteria you set is very interesting. If God allows evil for any given time, HE is not benevolent. Let’s stretch that to its logical conclusion:

Is a judge in the judiciary benevolent or evil when he punishes wrongdoers? When the judge decides that you should hang or permanently lose your freedom for what you did… does he become evil?

When you punish your kids, is it out of benevolence or evil?

Your claim is not logically coherent… unless we determine that benevolence means causing no one no harm for whatever reason. That would mean a judge would be benevolent for allowing a rapist to go scot-free, and a benevolent judge would never punish a murderer

As I said, you’d have to buy into the idea of a very specific god for the paradox to hold. You are also re-defining terms to hold the paradox up

What you have done here is not “taking the “stretch” to its logical conclusion”. You have come up with examples that are completely irrelevant to the problem of evil. If you are not familiar with the problem of evil you can check out the wiki page here.

Relevant examples include things like cancer, floods, famine, earthquake, genocide etc. Is it benevolent to allow these things to happen if you have the power to stop them?


The examples are perfectly sound if you’re familiar with biblical theology:

  1. The world was made perfect, it was cursed because of man’s sins. Diseases, floods, and death are all consequences of the curse. A judge punished a crime according to the laws in governance.

This still doesn’t get you out of the paradox. Assuming god is omniscient, he would have known in advance that man would not be able to live up to his standards and he would punish man in various ways. If he knew this in advance, and still created man, is this benevolence?

where is JUST in nature in the case of job…you mean jobs children had no dreams of their own for them to be used as pawns in that sick game that was being played on JOB?

That’s the greatest act of benevolence. To give out a great gift with the full knowledge that the recipient will dishonour you and anger you in his use of the said gift. The gift is good, the gift is given in good intention, the receiver will abuse it… but since the giver is benevolent, he gives out the gift anyway… because he acts out of his own goodness, not the receiver’s behaviour.

How do we know they did not deserve it, and if they didn’t is God limited in bringing them back alive again. Is it right for us to limit the ability of a creator to be like that of men. Faith is not something we can explain logically and whether you believe or not we all die. Tutajulia huko mbele, for now make your choice


Enyewe it sucks to be in a cult.

It’s especially really sad when a small innocent child is pronounced to have a disease such as cancer that the socalled believers in God will try to justify this as God allowing it to happen.
That’s bullshit.

So children should not fall sick? I don’t get your logic. You are reasoning only in the material universe. If you raise your consciousness to the spiritual planes such reasoning falls away and true intelligence takes over. And you will see that for the greater good… That kid getting cancer is not what you think…

Okay, enlighten me then, spiritual one.
I choose to believe in what I see in the material universe and I’ve always said that it’s insane for an Intelligent Being to create a universe so perfect for people to live and further better it only for them to move on to believing ‘some higher plane of existence’ than where they are now.
But, am listening. Tell me, why should a newborn child be diagnosed with cancer according to the judeochristian logic?

Yes it is. If they serve a greater and higher good. The problem is that men who are firmly rooted in the philosophy of materialism are applying the principles of the material universe to the concept of the Spiritual Universe. The Greater Plan of God has its origin in the Spiritual Universe and it finally finds expression in the Material Universe which is inhabited by our dense matter/bodies/physical sheaths. But we are at our core spiritual beings who have a body attached. Not material beings who have a spirit attached once this basic hurdle is overcome things that appear puzzling make perfect sense.

It is unlikely that we shall make progress on this matter. Spiritual matters require a truly willing and honest engagement. You have already made up your mind on what is and what is not. Spirituality is for those of lesser intellect. That is a common line of reasoning in the world of today. Hopefully one day you shall have your Eureka moment and things will make sense.