Average Height of People in South Sudan is 6ft = MOSTLY TALL
Average Height of People China is 5 Feet 4 Inches = Mostly SHORT
Average IQ in Japan 104.2
Average IQ in Taiwan 104.6
Average IQ in Kenya 80
Average Q in Malawi 60
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Races are BREEDS with different traits. North & East Asians are the smartest of ALL races na hii si kusema eti Africa hakuna watu wanjanja BUT their numbers are too low compared to the numbers of Boneheads, that is why Africa is the least Industrialized continent on earth.
Speak for yourself. If you were dumber than the Asians, don’t include us there. I too studied with some and honestly none ever beat me in class. Ni vile tu we can’t showcase results hapa kijijini hadharani!
TheN why are your relatives still hunting with poisoned darts IN[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)][SIZE=7] 2021 [/SIZE]while the slit eyed Japanese are building Hayabusa Spacecraft that is able to land on an asteroid? Kubali Ukweli. Its painful but it is the truth
I beg to differ. You are buying into propaganda. Africans were building boats and sailing to china and south america 1000 years ago
The biggest drawback for Africa was the gun powder. Guns set us up for colonization as Jungus literally walked over our villages.
African intellect is not anywhere in doubt. I was taught by the likes of Profs Abuodha and Kago. I did not see any deficit in their IQ, and yet both are “bonobos”. In Nkubu, we had African teachers that sliced through differential calculus as if it was a walk in the park.
I would like to say that your posit about African mental inferiority is all hot hair
We are being constrained and suffocated by corruption rather than a lack of intellect
If Africans don’t have the intellect to know that Corruption is suffocating them then they are LOW IQ BEINGS, PLAIN AND SIMPLE
The biggest drawback for Africans wasn’t gunpowder but lack of NATIVE WRITING SCRIPTS. Knowdlge was passed by word of mouth except for few societies such as Ethiopia and Egypt. Epidermics wiped people by the thousands and without the writings they went with their knowledge.
High IQ and low IQ both steal. The difference is in the methods, low IQ steal using crude weapons and with violence often resulting in death while high IQ steal using technology.
@Ndindu why do you hate yourself and your people? Si uleft tu, uwache kutaabika? Sababu wewe ni mtu mweusi mwenye umesema akili yake ni kidogo, na huwezi jibadilisha uwe mzungu, si uchukuwe kamba ujinyonge, uondokee izi shida?