Was doing random lanye hunting pale buru and i came across a group of women selling peanut butter and peanuts within the shopping centre.I bought peanut butter and i must say it is the most naturally tasting and smooth peanut butter i have ever tasted.Cant compare to the crap i have been buying at the supermarket.The worst peanut butter i have had is the one branded blueband peanut butter.
Ask them what preservative they’re using.
Blue band ni smooth
They said they dont put any preservative.All they do is get peanuts,dry them,dry fry them with no oil,let them cool,then remove the cover,then grind them into paste.The resultant paste is then packaged for sale.Should be consumed within three months.Also read the label of blueband peanut butter that said no preservatives added
Do they test their njugu karanga for aflotoxin?
You know even these visiagi should be outlawed because they don’t carry out any tests at all. They just grind the maize into flour.
Halafu watu wanaanza kuuliza , “Na hii cancer imeongezeka sana! Inatoka wapi?”
Some Kenyans even use home made liquid detergents.
Pombe fake nayo ndio hio.
Kwani unafikiria kitambo unga ilikua inatoka wapi? Same same visiagi.
Kisiagi gani hio ya mtaa iko na lab inakaribia kama hii hapa at minute 1.20 :
Any foodstuff that involves grinding or crushing, you should be very careful. Especially peanuts and maize. (Aflatoxin is colourless, odourless and invisible, and there is often no sign of contamination. It also tasteless. And it causes cancer. )
Hata hizi juices watu wanauziwa. Do they wash the fruit? What are they using to wash the fruit?
This was in the news a few days ago :
If what you are saying about aflatoxin is true then cancer would be more prevalent in rural Kenya than in the urban areas where people buy unga from supermarkets.In rural Kenya people take their maize for grinding in the local poshomills without a care of doing aflatoxin tests and cancer still consumes then less.Infact aflatoxin is found in most foods including milk eggs meat and maize.Maize has the highest risk because of poor post harvest management because of the volumes involved.
Ukiogopa aflatoxin then hakuna food utawai kula because you cannot trace where all foods landing on your table came from and how it was handled after harvesting.Eat whatever food you want but ensure your body cells are well aerated and starve them of unnecessary sugars by excercising regularly and drinking enough water.Cancer loves sugars and poorly aerated cells.
what fluid do they use to make the paste?
They dont add any fluid.When you crash peanut butter it spews its own oil
it is impossible because i also make them and use honey and a pinch of olive oil. Once umekaranga njugu it losses its moisture content
Its possible because kitambo tukienda dala my grandmother used to make for us peanut sauce that we used to eat with rabuon (sweet potato).The process of making the peanut sauce starts with dryfrying the peanuts then removing the cover then placing them in a wooden container called ‘pany’.Inside the pany we pound the peanuts using one end of a thick heavy wooden rod.As the pounding continues.the peanuts transform into a thick oily runny paste exactly like peanut butter.This paste is then transferred to a sufuria and milk and other ingredients are added to make peanut sauce.These days there is a mchine than now grinds the peanuts into even finer paste compared to the traditional ‘pany’ that we used to use.
Ni brand gani?
Container is not branded,iko well sealed though.Hizi ni zile peanut butter made at home na machine ya ku siaga peanut butter.Hao wamama wa buru actually have acooperative society of peanut butter makers.Actaully tastes like peanut.Used it to make peanut sauce last night.Iko consistent from top of the container to the bottom unlike the supermarket one which becomes very hard and tough towards the bottom of the container.
No, it not impossible. I make my own at home. You just got to have a blender with a powerful motor, 450watts and above or a food processor. With a blender you use the small dry mill/grinder to break down the peanuts, transfer to blender and then pulse slowly bit by bit. Eventually hua inajitoa mafuta yake yenyewe. All you need add is a pinch of salt.
kuna peanut butter inaitwa blueband peanut butter.So smooth that it tastes nothing like peanut butter.Naambiwa they add a bit of palmoil for consistency or something
uji ya blueband ni sumu
Nishawai tumia pb kama lube
Na venye when growing up adding blueband to uji was considered elitist banae
:D:D:D:D huwa unatroll ama uko Serious chokosh?