Hey y’all joined the forum yesterday after my bestie at work recommended the site. He warned me i would encounter a lot of hostility and sure enough as soon as i introduced myself i was insulted, harassed and a few pervs requested pics of my body. someone even managed to get my photo and reveal my identity but i thank the administrator for deleting the picture. I also thank all the guys who welcomed me cordially.
But some of y’all need to grow up remember your daughters will be treated how you treat other women so please be kind if you have nothing meaningful to say just keep quiet no need for insults and weird innuendos.My husband saw all the comments and he was not impressed. He is a detective by the way so please be careful what you comment.
Lastly where are the females in this forum it can’t be just me surely.
i need to fuckk you
[SIZE=5]A very good morning from Toronto madam. Once again it is I, @WIGSPLITTA - THE 5 STAR GENERAL at your service.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=5]On behalf of all the uncouth bastards, I offer my apologies for your unpleasant experience. Kindly disregard any mean comments directed towards you. I will deal with your naysayers CACOPHONOUSLY.[/SIZE]
Tell your detective husband to start looking for another job
Patricia uchoki banae
Thanks wigsplitta. You’re a proper gentleman
Tell your husband to detect this :meffi::meffi::meffi:
Maybe there are no women in the forum cause y’all are too hostile?
You made a mistake by expecting special treatment just because you have a vagina. Sorry madam. That’s not how things work. You will need a thick skin like a dinosaur to survive here. We don’t care whether your husband is the Terminator.
it’s just common courtesy if you have nothing nice to say you keep quiet. or do y’all get an orgasm in the ass every time you insult a woman?
Hapa sio fb ama twatter, we say what we mean coz everyone is anonymous. Ulikosea kuambia anyone you know that uko huku.
I agree and am a firm believer of freedom of expression but i also believe we shouldn’t abuse our privileges.
Saying what you mean or want is not a privilege on ktalk, its a right that every member gets. On that note you can block people if you feel they’ve offended you lakini that beats the purpose of being here.
Una bidii kweli.
I’d like to insert my phallus into your birth canal.
Always remain cognizant of the fact that this is a location teeming with misguided Juveniles , Gaayys , Faggots , Ethnic Chauvinists and all manner of assorted nincompoops …
But be assured that there are some “Elders” also present with whom you can conduct pleasant , intelligent , interesting and informed conversations with …
So , …
Respond appropriately … :D:D:D
the Irony hapa
Takataka… Attention seeking behavior pelekea nyanya yako. What was your intention of announcing your presence here? Did you also tell guys on Facebook, Twitter Tiktok and other social media sites that you were new there when you joined?
Sounds like you’re looking for a school for wives. You’ve found it, in a sense. I doubt your husband, real or imagined, will like hanging out here with you. But hey, who cares?