Nawapa hi! Mandugu zangu wote wa Kenya na Tanzania na pia natoa heri ya sikukuu ya Iddi siku maalamu ambayo mtoto mkaidi yule anaeitwa Iddi anakwenda kufaidi. Lol!
Aim ya hii thread ni kutaka kupewa reasons na mods as why thread zetu Wabongo haziwekwi kwenye all thread!? Kwanini tusiwe mixed na ndugu zetu wa muda mrefu wa Kenya!? Ili tuexperience new culture and learn to tolerate other? Mods don’t you know that there is richness in diversity? What makes you think we should have our own life in here?
Matter of fact, embracing our similarities and tolerate our differences is what we are longing for as Tanzanians in this kenyatalk forum. The forum has to adjust itself for new lifestyle and culture.
Before Sijaandika mengi sana I would like to know…what’s the reasons for separation? What makes you think its no a brilliant idea to let us intermingle?
The cultures are different, there is a clear language difference and the sense of community in both audiences are different. If mixing occurs then there is risk that one or both communities will be drowned out.Do you think this is reasonable?
It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Kutofautiana Mawazo ndio utajiri wa Mawazo… In all diversity there is richness and mutual understanding and that’s where people learn and adapt to tolerance and mutual respect.
Drama, queries, fights and hates happens even for Kenyans themselves so don’t expect to have such a peaceful forum…we were not programmed that way as human beings…within all those difference that’s where we grow and thrive positively as human.
We will adjust to it … And maybe Admin, you will make a new history by creating a new language in your forum as this is how creole and pidgin are formed.
This large group of us Tanzanians in your forum is the once in a lifetime event or opportunity…its simple… Once you make us addicted with this forum as jamii forum did then the rest will be history.
What are you doing to make us addicted with your service? That’s a millions dollar question?
May you please heed to our request. At JF we used to get along well with our brothers like @mk254. There is a lot to harness by being allowed to mingle with our Kenyan fellows.
Language isn’t that much of an obstacle, in fact we are bi-lingual. We may not be able to communicate well with the other side using Kiswahili but am confident we will understand each other.