Luos shaming Kikuyus by building magnificient houses in their rural homes

Apparently, there is a facebook group and hundreds of Luos have posted the houses they have built in their rural homes Kikuyus are not believing what they are seeing.

Even mnyore @mikel had to change plans



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Last thing I would be bothered by is what people do with their money. Why are people very keen on trying to tell others what to do with their hard-earned money? Hio kimbelembele ya wakenya husinya vibaya sana.


siwes ishi kwa kibanda in the name of saving resources… ngombe


Kwa laha sao


‘Home beautiful’ facebook page humbled me, I thought I had a hacienda, these guys have massive houses. Anyway to each his own, I do love the serenity that comes with a rural home but wouldn’t splash millions on that project, I would rather spare some more shillings and get a holiday home somewhere at the coast, which is something I have of late been giving a serious thought


Kujenga unajenga nyumba utaishi sio unaenda tu kutembea after every leap year.

A friend of mine amejenga ocha nyumba ya 20M. Na ujue alichukua loan. A few months ago alishika Prado tx na akona Subaru nashindwa ni ya nini. I told him Jenga rentals umumunye pole pole na nkampeleka place atashika plot na 2m pale Chokaa, akasema hawezi fanya hio upuss to earn 200k per month. Na kusumbuana na tenants. Yeye ni engineer anachapa kazi kwa one of the MNC. Mujamaa very extravagant. Hunisho niko na damu ya ukikuyu nawasho sikatai but kumbuka nina maboys wanakuja kukuja.
Wacha niwashughulikie. Mujamaa bado ana date to young things anakula Raha tu…nikitaka mbesha extra Huwa namsho niwekee hapo kakitu buana nitairudisha. Anarusha soo mbili hehe naendeleza tu projects. Am hoping atabadilika akikuwa family man. He is thirty two years old.

Nina mabeste waajab…kama sio kujenga ocha makeja biggy ni kushika magari. Another friend akona two mercedez na range rover…alisema hawezi oa. MGTOW kamili… anasemanga hataki stress ya the other gender… :joy:


Siku hizi AMG bros wanakua wengi sana. lakini huyo wa kwanza kama ako na watoto aweke kitu kando to secure their future


Had this discussion with my mum recently their shag hao was built over 30 something years ago and they have slept in it a total of 4 times.hio 4 bdr if it was renting at a modest 50k … but Kila mtu na mpango zake. Personally would rather build a ka 3 bedroom hapo somewhere in kilifi not too far from beach, nichape Airbnb and during holidays naenda na mjunior wangu and whomever I will be eating at the time


They are dead capital indeed.A neighbour at our rural home built a 5 bedroomed massionete way back in the early 90s.He was the talk of the village.Used to come once every six months.Kidogo kidogo he went with family to Australia.Nobody knows what happened to him and his family.His frequency of coming reduced to twice a yeaer then once a year then he stopped sending upkeep money to his caretaker who then left.Sikuizi its just a ghost house yenye manyasi zimemea huko ndani


Reminds me of Mobutu’s once palatial residence which is now a ghost structure. Everyone is free to do whatever they want with their money but hizi dead capital hazina meaning in the long run


If you’re building a home uko ushago at a place you only visit once or twice a year, then make it small (3 bedrooms maximum).

But then again, people spending 20M on such homes in such places probably have a few hundred millions somewhere so kila nyani na starehe zake.


Mimi nilishajenga my 15 bedroom house in Kimilili for my 30 current and future kids


I thought ocha kwa JAruo ni mud huts as potrayed by wasapere

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Omogambi yaa,hii mambo ya kununua mashamba na kujenga manyumba kubwa kubwa zenye uta spend only one week in a year only makes financial sense saa zile mtu anachochwa na ma trends za facebook ama mabeste ama wife anakuambia ati mujenge nyumba kubwa kama ya akina mama brian.Ukisha sink 9 million kwa massionette pale dala halafu mkosane na wife ndio una realize heri ingeweka tu a modest bungalow ya 3.5M and the rest of the money uweke kwa projects za kuzaaa pesa kanairo.

Very nice! waendelee na moyo huo huo. kwa raha zao bana. hakuna hate

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True that Omera. I hope you don’t have a twenty million palatial residence in Siaya yawa

Usiwahi stuliwa na social media kama such pages na IG. Remember that only the successful people post their mansions. Poor people like you who are the majority have no incentive to post their wealth online. So you are experiencing the apex fallacy.