is it worth planting Cypress trees on 5 acres for a period of 10 years?
What do you plan to do with that land after 10yrs ?
yes. but 20 years is better
Why not do an orchard pahali you can be selling the fruits for cash…mangos for example…ukajua vile nimekujenga hutaamini.
I flooded a shamba na jackfruit trees (fene) unfortunately they failed after 18months coz of pests and soil depth.
But neighbours have caught on and are doing more fruit than timber.
No. Cypress takes painfully many years to mature. Maybe as a store of wealth but for medium-term/reasonable longterm gains you may need to look elsewhere. Like eucalyptus trees.
How much rain is in that area? Some trees like eucalyptus wont grow well in dry areas. Maybe bamboo
Hehehehe… kichwa yako sio msuri
Im planning maize/wheat farming
Moderate rainfall,eucalyptus is much better
South Africa eucalyptus. You will be a billionaire after ten years
what about neighbors complaining about water depletion?
Trees for timber take ages to mature. Lakini bills zetu ni za daily. Panda seasonal crops
It’s a great idea and as you’ve been advised, plant Eucalyptus (Grandis).
Wachana hata na neighbours complaining depletion…what about your own damn self?
If you go eucalyptus better be damned prepared for the costs of land reclamation when your done harvesting…by the way kila mtu ule anakuambia eucalyptus ana noble intentions sikatai…very good…but ask them kama wana experience ya after harvesting matured eucalyptus. Sio mchezo.
@sani amekujenga pia. Kama uko area uplant hata matoke pekee…low maintainance youl rake in cash…na matoke zenyewe zina sprout new shoots wewe ni kuzi replant tu…uko sorted.
Its good,but si watu watakua wanajisaidia,wanaiba
Yup ndio nimesema kama uko area and you can watch your stuff. Dont forget even tree seedlings can be uprooted and replanted…depending on the place thugs can harvest your trees ki sniper kabla maturity…for poles za kujenga semi permanent shelters.
But what me and @sani are offering you cash flows, low terminal costs…as in post harvest and flexibility…with crops ukichoka after say 2 3 years after harvest whether ni consumption or sale you accrued some benefit una put the land to new use. Im out. Do the math.
Jewels from the village sponyo.
Thanks,i’ve learned alot
Do you own the land or are you leasing ?