Wahindi wanatake over msee. IBM, Adobe, Google, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway and now Twitter have Indian CEOs
…priti patel, rishi sunak… sajid javid… dang!
In the 80’s going backwards, Chinkus, indians and Mwafrika Immigrants were all classified as one, and resided in the same neighborhoods. But lately , most of them have taken the tech and biz entities.
Tunangoja @simiyu amalize shule awakilishe.
Indians wame flood IT, Health, and finance sectors. Actually they are migrating to the US in huge numbers. Wamepeleka most of their relatives huko.
Enyewe mzungu ni mtu bladifucking. How cam you classify a chinku and an bonobo african as one? The chinks are even more intelligent than the jungus.
What statistix are you using? What is guiding your thought process?
The white man is a genius. He empowers the brilliant indians to run his companies and make himself richer. Anampea mpaka citizenship. Low IQ dalits wanabaki kule india swimming in their own shit in the Ganges.
There is a thread I saw on Twitter describing this. They said they basically trust the pajeets because they can’t go back to their shithole. So they sponsor them and make sure they are citizens and then wanawaacha wakirun their empires on their behalf. Meanwhile wao wanaenda kula exotic Arabic lanyes huko Dubai ama snorting cocaine deep in the African savannah in the name of running a charity “NGO”.
East Asians have the highest average IQ among all the races. Africans are on the lower end when it comes to average IQ. That’s a fact you can’t deny unless you have your own peer reviewed research which refutes the several research papers that have been produced on the same topic. FYI, many scientists have tried doing so but they have failed. Of course we Africans have our own cognitive elites who can rival the cognitive elites of other races, the issue is, they form a very small minority to make a meaningful impact race-wise. Don’t get sad or dejected about it. It’s just the way nature is. Focus on maybe truncating the undesirables maybe? @Azor Ahai can explain to you in simpler terms if need be.
What you typed is true. That’s why I tell guys to think individually because the war against racism and relative poverty compared to other races cant be won collectively. As a negroid, you can only win individually. We have too many idiots and morons among us to win against jungus or asians. Individually, you can win and forget about the remaining 99% of Africans who are beyond redemption. Save yourself.
Races are Breeds.
LMAO …the only high IQ comment on this thread .Wewe ndio unajua kile unasema .This’ a Brahmin thing
You are so up mzungus ass that hautaki kuamini East Asians are smarter than them :D:D:D:D:D
Knock yourself out Countries by IQ - Average IQ by Country 2024
BTW even in US the smartest kids are usually Asians
Every seventh doctor in the US is an indian.
Angalia end credits za most recent holliwood movies with CGIs ndio utajua hizi curry munchers ziko kila mahali.
Muhindi is subservient to the white man the way Wafulas and Mutisos are subservient to muhindi kule industrial area. The only difference is kuna moja analipwa tens of thousands of dollars na mwingine analipwa mia tano kwa siku.
Not just IT,medicine too wapandre wametawala murica
lol a talker regurgitating twitter blather in the name of high IQ enlightenment. How in the hell is an Agrawal a brahmin?
True. Most Olympiads teams repping US have East Asians mainly. Never seen a Black but it’s part of life anyway. Also East Asians tend to be the most racist group ever. Although their brand of racism won’t show openly because they tend to be reserved. Crime rates among them are the lowest among all groups. You can hardly meet an East Asian criminal easily. Negros we were cursed aki.
The reason why India won’t beat China btw. Chinks cognitive elites have a strong sense of nationalism and attachment to their homeland. Modi’s fake nationalistic Hindutva gang is hot air because it’s being spear headed by a bunch of low IQ plebs while their cognitive elites lick the white man ass. They should concentrate on dipping themselves in the polluted Ganges.
Hindutva is a step in the direction. Even Mao surrounded by a bunch of low IQ plebs when he was consolidating the country.