Dragonfruit Imeshuka Bei

Cheaper than tomatoes. Farming is worse than gambling


All these scheme benefit the Apex 32. If you know you know.

Pyramids expand by a factor of 2. At the base a lot of Bonobos crowd there while at the Apex less than 16 enjoy the benefits.

M-L-M Manenos

Ni 30-50 a piece in CBD saa hii…yet it was almost 1k not too long ago


Explain this more.

Kiosk mentality. Everyone imported dragon fruit and flooded the Market


Watu wamejaza concrete poles kwa shamba.


Soon there will be a new thing to fool the cows.

There were quales, Pepino, Mushrooms, Kroilers, Avocados.


Less than 16 people or companies have the capacity to tap foreign markets na hao ndio the real cartels. They are in Ovacadoes, Dragon fruit, coffee etc.

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manzee zisi ishe kabla sija onja kama pepino na quail !!

It’s already in the works. The trick is to get in early, scam everyone and get out early

This is good. Sio upus ya kila mtu planting maize and beans. We need to diversify.

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Sema Avocados erikana

Avocados Erikana

Farm basics , beans , maize , c.sativa , cowpeas etc you never go wrong on those .plus you can store them for long time


I saw this when they were talking about animal feed because it supposedly multiplies quick

There’s no magic bullet or feed or magical cure to farming. Farming is gambling, you’re at the bottom of the foodchain.

You produce and the market sets the price. Whether you make a profit or not, you’re at the bottom. You absorb all the supply chain shocks. Anything that goes wrong always comes back on you.

Farming is for losers.

Even drug dealing farmers are piss poor. Pablo Escobar was a billionaire but at the bottom of the the chain were poor farmers looking for school fees.

You’ll never become rich farming unless you place yourself at the top

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Mbona majuu farmers ndio matajiri? Hadi wanaenda protests na tractors!

Farmers majuu are among the people making lowest income. They may have farms and tractors but make little profit and that is why wanaandamana mpaka wanamwaga maziwa coz of the prices offered for their produce. Many are commiting suicide coz they are unable to pay loans or even afford to continue farming. Many farms are operating due to govt subsidies.

Farming families ‘living in poverty’ - Farmers Weekly.

Farmers in Crisis, Long Overlooked, Are Finally Getting Mental Health Support | Scientific American.


Demand and Supply principles