BREAKING: Kenya Police are sitting ducks in HAITI

Hehe, That is the joke in this whole thing, only, it isn’t funny. People don’t learn; this is exactly why Ariel Henry had to scramble his aides together in mid-air to chart a new itinerary, when those on the ground told him to find another home asap, or keep circling. Even the Dominican Republic next door didn’t want him. An unelected person claiming to be an authority figure in Haiti drives those guys mad, and tends not to live long. We wish the new imposter luck, coz he’ll need it.

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Apples , oranges. I know you’re looking for the emotional reaction so I won’t go there. Afghanistan begun because of 9/11 . Some of us have been there’s years after that and a lot happens that isn’t reported. Taliban negotiated to get what they have and we were shifting focus on china anyways . Who they have issues with, also.
On Haiti ( since that’s the subject), gangs there are literally personal militias . Sounds odd but trust me on that. The Kenyans are there for very specific mission and unless they peer off course, they’ll get it done. They know the leaders ( by now) where they’re, who funds them , what they do etc etc. If they don’t get caught up with internal bickering, they’ll actually make Africa proud. I honestly would’ve rather it been another country but most Caribbean countries would’ve been met with instant outrage

Kijana …

Remember 12 years ago when there was a lot of official steam about how “Operation Linda Inchi” would cure the Al Shabaab Menace for once and for all …???

After 6 months it morphed into an AU Force of Ethiopians , Ugandans , Burundians , Kenyans , Ghana , Sierra Leonian and Nigerian Police ( … and some EU and US advisors hovering in the background …) …

Fast forward to 2024 and Al Shabaab controls most of the Somali Countryside and has actually grown deadlier and better organized.
Any time now , Al Shabaab could be marching into Mogadishu …

Let’s wait and see … :rofl: :joy:


Haitians should be left alone to sort out their Internal problems …

  • The US , France and EU are NOT honest brokers.
  • Their regional neighbours don’t want to get involved in that mess.

Nabii Zakayo smelt an opportunity to cash in on the USD: 100 Million carrot that was dangled in front of his nose …

His eyes will probably open when the body bags start arriving … :rofl: :hotsprings:

You make me laugh, I’m looking for an emotional reaction? What for? Not me, I don’t need that. Just told you how I see things. You think I’m comparing oranges and apples. Afghanistan: now that you say it happened because of 911, how many attackers were from there? Not even one, read the official reports. Uncle Sam sent men there, and many died. For nothing. Which WMD were found? None. In Iraq? None.
You need to understand there is a huge disconnect between what you are told by various administrations about their objectives, (that’s politics, they need to look good and justified,) and what the objectives really are. There was nothing to warrant the invasions of those countries, as there is nothing in the internal politics of Haiti to warrant this particular invasion by your supposedly benevolent peacemakers. Kenya is simply behaving like a country that produces mercenaries willing to be paid to go kill other black people. That’s the scathing truth. Like it or hate it, I cannot with a clear conscience support a mission that lacks humanitarian goodwill. Whether they succeed or fail (and how you determine that is upto you), it doesn’t matter. They have no business being there at all.

I am sure you’ve seen. It wasn’t the Kenyans doing the real work. Obviously I knew more than I was saying

You’re typing too long a thesis bro

It’s for those given the power to read

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Generally speaking
There are no GOOD Wars
Because people , Good and Bad , die in great numbers and a lot more suffer in so many ways …

The reasons and justification for those Wars vary in intent and outcomes.

Example: Israel / Gaza War.
Idiots in here were cheering when Hamas launched a unprovoked attack killing over 1610 Israeli Civilians and abducted 234 into Gaza.
No one is laughing or cheering now as 15 out of 18 Hamas Terrorist Brigades and 46,000 + Gaza civilians have been killed and thousands more injured and displaced.

Example: Kenyan Cops in Haiti.
It is interesting that nation unable to secure its own borders from Al Shabaab terrorists and internally from Bandits , Cattle Rustlers and common thugs is now exporting it’s discredited , corrupt and ill equipped Police Force to prop up a colonial agenda funded by USA and France who are the ones who caused the problems in the first place…!!!

But Ruto’s motivation in this matter is well known

It is the USD: 100 Million carrot that was dangled by the US as a “mobilization” and support fund for this questionable initiative.

But …

  • how will the ordinary Kenyan benefit…??
  • who has oversight how this money is utilized …??
  • what is the exit strategy if the mission fails or our Cops are killed or captured …??
  • what is the end game - to install a US/France puppet and increase the suffering of the Haitian people …???

In short
The USA has found a cheap , expendable alternative for its intervention and at the same time , a scapegoat if the initiative fails …!!

Ponder on that for a moment
Shenzi Kabisa …!! :rage::hotsprings:


Correct. I wasn’t disputing your assertion…. I was saying the outcome of the battlefront ( only battlefront aspect) would be exactly like you’re seeing. Superior firepower and maneuvers not expected of Kenyans

Same script like Haiti,France in New caledonia colonial grip

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