Uhuru akiwa South Africa, alisema heri country yake iwe na 1% kwa port kubwa profitable enye imemilikiwa na Chinese, than kuwa na 100% kwa port kidogo imesimamiwa na wakenya
Why do bonobos blame the Chinese for their failure at fiscal management? I see all these YouTube channels claiming China is “trapping” African countries with huge debts. Kwani do they hold guns to the heads of African leaders and force these loans on them? Waafrika hawajui kusoma? Hawaelewi terms and conditions? The Chinese are just doing what any savvy business person would: they’re exploiting opportunities for profit. The bonobo leaders loot these funds then act stupid when they can’t repay the loans.
Sri Lankan’s made the same mistake a few years back …
Today , Colombo Port is owned and run by Chinese until the debt is paid off …
Adding Insult to lnjury , the Chinese have established a Naval Base adjacent to the port with berthing facilities and Barracks for for their Ships , Submarines and Sailors …
Except in the few rare cases where they have been ejected out of a country , the Chinese have never returned any sized Asset back to any country …
Wewe Cheka Cheka Hapo Tuu …
This Shit is Serious …
Every time Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, turned to his Chinese allies for loans and assistance with an ambitious port project, the answer was yes.
Yes, though feasibility studies said the port wouldn’t work.
Yes, though other frequent lenders like India had refused.
Yes, though Sri Lanka’s debt was ballooning rapidly under Mr. Rajapaksa.
Over years of construction and renegotiation with China Harbor Engineering Company, one of Beijing’s largest state-owned enterprises, the Hambantota Port Development Project distinguished itself mostly by failing, as predicted.
With tens of thousands of ships passing by along one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, the port drew only 34 ships in 2012.
And then the port became China’s.
Mr. Rajapaksa was voted out of office in 2015, but Sri Lanka’s new government struggled to make payments on the debt he had taken on.
Under heavy pressure and after months of negotiations with the Chinese, the government handed over the port and 15,000 acres of land around it for 99 years in December.
Now you know what’s about to happen to Kilindini Port in Mombasa … :(:mad:
Really …???
Amazing how gullible and naive many of you are in here …
These yellow fellows are masters of deception and skullduggery …
Tibet , Mongolia , South China Sea Islands Invasions , Hong Kong , Macao , Congo , Uyghur Extermination Camps and very soon , …the Invasion of Taiwan …
( … not even to mention COVID-19 …).
Some of the nonsense in that letter is laughable …
Ati fighting Terrorists in Africa …
Name me just 1 incident where Chinese Military personal have appeared and died on our behalf … ( …at least I can do so for French , British and Americans …)
If there is one single race the whole world needs to really fear , it is the Chinese …
Like the Devil , they are not just content to take your Wealth , the also want your Souls …
Any Idea at all how many of them have been allowed into Kenya , roaming all over the place doing Whatever … ( …poaching , mining , sawmills , cement export …)…
Take a walk one on these days from Hurlingham to Lavington … restaurants , brothels , casinos , forex brokers ( money laundering …??? ) , “Herbalists” ( …opium ?? …) etc … all under your very noses …
Even our former Colonial Masters have been far more generous …
As far as I know , no major China Debt anywhere has ever been forgiven or turned into a grant …
If you know of one , let us know …
Mark my words, in Africa, we do not have leaders, we have thieves/cartels/pirates/thugs, etc who lead. Africans do not have leaders, what you see or any person you see posting as a president, prime minister, etc is a thief/cartel/thug who only wants to feed themselves. They are not leaders. So do not blame Africans, blame those who asked for Chinese loans, you know them, Mention their names. Stop the issue of generalizing problems to all Africaans. Bonobos are innocent slaves.
Finally , some of you are seeing the light …
I have said it before …
The Endemic problem in Africa ( …with one one or two exceptions … ) is Piss Poor Political Leadership …
And the net effect of this is Endemic Graft , Corruption , Repression , Backwardness , poverty and all manner of negative situations.
GOD Almighty gifted us with a Continent that has EVERYTHING …
But since Political Independence in most African Countries between 1950s to 1970s , most have been run down by a succession of corrupt and backward clique of Politicians (… aided and abetted by cartels and agents of former Colonial Masters …so called “Investors” …)…
But it is YOU the Voters who allow this to happen …
It is YOU the Voters who sing their praises and vote them into Office …
It is YOU the Voters who tolerate and empower the Corruption , Graft and Impunity …
It is YOU the Voters lyrics to blame for the mess and quagmire that you find yourselves in …
So now …
You know what YOU must do in 2022 …
It will be your only hope for redemption … :D:D
There is a book titled “Confessions of an economic hitman” that clearly details how the west particularly the US, IMF, world bank burden developing countries with loans. Afadhali chinaman.