Fatherhood should never be considered an achievement.As man you should learn to be selfish with your time and resources. I have seen men getting married having kids, sacrificing everything they have to make their wives and children happy and in the end the women takes the kids or the kids disown their father.[ATTACH=full]242290[/ATTACH]
My fellow men, work hard so that in your old age you have something for yourself , forget about the children and their mother! You are the only stranger in that family you call yours, that house is for your wife and kids !
My grandfather told me that a married man is like a tractor that builds a road, does it very nicely but when the road is completed , they bring a low loader and carry the tractor away claiming it will spoil the road!!
That tractor is never allowed to step on the road it built ! Same case to a married man, you deny yourself , get loans , wear used clothes to see your children through high school and college because we believe that the only gift you can give your children is quality education coz there are no more shambas!!
When the children hit teenage, now the Father is dispensable, most of these women poison the children against their father, language like :
"If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have studied, he was only interested in alcohol and women!! Now the tractor is about to be carried away!!! Once the children start working , mzee has retired and when the children come visiting the poor mzee is given two hundred infront of the mother , while the mother pulls them to the kitchen and the Father doesn’t know what mama has been given!
Once the children drive off, the mzee is told to buy sugar with the two hundred unless he wants to drink sugarless tea!! These are some of the reasons why men die early and leave widows behind suffering !! I have seen mothers fly abroad to visit their children while the mzee is left at home looking after their two cows, ever wondered why? That poison spread by mothers towards the mzee !!
My fellow men work hard and save something for yourself because nowadays aging without property is almost like a death sentence !!! Wake up struggle while you can b4 ur old age.
“And a man, a man provides. And he does it even when he’s not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it” Gus Fring
Even as you struggle for your wife and kids… Leave something for yourself to enjoy in old age… Women are selfish by default and your children will always trivialize your struggle…
For this reason, a man is a lonely creature whose sole purpose is to toil for his loved ones… Take up a hobby to occupy yourself with in old age, for this is when most men realize that they are truly alone…
We have moved on from never getting married eeeever to fatherhood is a thankless task??? deeeeemn weee. How do you even think of fatherhood if you are not going to get married to the ‘useless greedy’ women? KTalk kweli ina vichekesho kweli.
Mr Hodari do you have any shudren?
Its the way it is my guy especially with these radicalized women who even want to scrap fathers day. A man is viewed as disposable being and Women also want to mold men into what they think a man should be they want us to feel like being a man or a father is a curse. But they are in for a rude shock as i am not boarding and they can take that to the nearest bank of their own choice.
During my 20s, i spent a lot of time around my granddad who was at the time in his sunset years…its always refreshing to see life’s perspective from the eyes from a man who has been around for over 8 decades.
He told me one thing that has stuck wit me to this day, “Many men start families and raise children just to avoid being alone, only to find themselves all alone yet again in their sunset years. Not unless you get your 1st kid at 20 years with a traditional virgin woman, you can be very sure that u will spend 85% of your 60s, 70s and beyond alone. The earlier a man makes peace with this, the healthier and longer he will live.”
Kwanza nyinyi wanawake wa majuu ndio muko na hii tabia. Mzee anawachwa kenya, mama anapelekwa majuu kulea watoto.
Yall thankless job is better than committing suicide. Thankless job gives your life meaning. So choose between suicide and thankless job.
I won’t really dispute that, I see it happen a lot…hapo kwa kulea watoto. But it is wrong to post here that a sane person would forexabo, would invite/bring their Mum for a visit and leave Dad minding the home and the cows:(. Apana! In my case we invited both and they brought their bickering along but it was good.
Lakini you need to understand how those Mamas feel free after years of being trapped in unhappy situations. Wengine wakikuja wanakataa kurudi :rolleyes:
LOL. And here I was thinking womanhood is confusing. Men are so confused it’s damn hilarious. Do you think a hobby will be enough to save yall from your thankless and Greedy wife and kids? Get a career for your old age. Modern men have too many problems. They hate women. They blame women for all their troubles but duh they just can’t live without these horrible women and their evil children. Wah!
How is the widow left suffering after the man dies yet her kids take care of her? This sob narratives that make no sense and just want to hate on women are getting old.
I don’t think women are the problem. Even in the jungle, old lions are chased from the pride by younger lions to go and die alone. It is human nature and as a man, you should make peace with that likely eventuality. What women and your children do is not personal, it is the natural course of things. My advice, buy cash generating property to take care of you during your old age. As a man, you should never count on your children or their mother because they will certainly leave. Count on your assets that generate passive income so that as your wife goes to live with children abroad, you are left enjoying life (playing golf) not grazing cows.
: The only person you can count on 100% as a man is yourself (assets).
i once educated a close friend of mine who had no exit plan. we were planning life after these fast life( as @patco puts it ) . Slowly we set path down.
a) Build a house huko oocha ndani kabisa( which i have and he is on track). Watoto watabaki na mama yao. As fathers we have done our part
b) Start buying long time shares in bulk( i did my part and helping him get blue chips stocks).
c) Also cheap rental houses targeting common man
d) Start visiting home regularly . We both did 2 times a year last year and this year we have done it 5 times so far . Come 5 years, no more looking back
e) Look for hobby . I don’t want to work any more . I want to give back to the community once i have passive income. I want to volunteer in a lab in a hospital for free. If not ill go work for free at KEMRI kwa AIDS research
this posts have motivated me…i left my family after kuona kila time tukikosona she is left poisoning the kid that i am bad and i dont care abt them. nowadays i feel at peace but i still provide for their upkeep but nliamua kuishi alone for the rest of the time.
Now that u know this and are cognizant of this inescapable and inevitable reality, now whats the point of slaving during your prime years to raise people and a feed a wife who will abandon u during your weakest of days?
Eternal bachelorhood is the answer
Whenever you have a fight with your wife whether it’s her fault or not the kids will always pick the mothers side. This why most men end up being strangers in their own families.
Wewe hakuna kitu unaongeaga inamake sense. Everything you comment here is either labish, allogant or both. Bure kabisa!
To pass on my DNA. I owe it to my ancestors to pass on my DNA and I have a debt to my parents for raising me, which I can only pay by raising their grandkids. So, I have no regrets about marrying and having children. This is not an either/or situation. You can have a family and still be adequately prepared for your sunset years. You don’t have to choose.
When it is all said and done in my 60’s, I don’t mind eating ribs, collecting fat rent checks and playing golf with my agemates knowing that I already fulfilled my evolutionary job of siring children. As we play golf and drink scotch, you will still have that evolutionary baggage hanging around your neck which I won’t have.
Pole dead beat dad. Mafeelings Peleka Hague. Spoilt brats is what yall are. Thankless job my ass.Being a dad is the greatest job in the world. Yall just losers is what’s going on.