Those sticky legs,this one cannot make me cum,I.would rather have @under23 anytime…naweza hit yeye manyu i crash mayai zake zote hiyo mbwa koko isizalishe zingine in future.The world cannot afford to have other skunks like him
Happens alot in kisii land husband anawachwa kenya mama anaenda majuu kulea recently a known kisii man alikufa mama alikua majuu all the time mzee akiumwa kenya
You’re a fucking woman, what the hell do you know about being a father? It’s like a man telling you that menstrual cramps don’t hurt yet he’s never had them. Enyewe wewe hakuna time unaongeanga kitu ya maana. Always subjective and irrational. Typical
It’s prudent that you credit the source you know. Basic mannerisms.
I don’t agree with your plan but hapo kwa giving back , achana na AIDS RESEARCH …go to the lab kwa hosi , your presence will make a huge difference…
What’s wrong with grazing cattle?
Its beyond ridiculous.:mad:
wah…the bitterness…na sisi wenye hatujangoja a decade in marriage tutatoboa the first ten years?coz all that is being mentioned here about women’s selfishness is very real…i have experienced some of it already.last time kununua njumu mpya ilikuwa dec 2018
@M2Random u are still very young to think that life is such a straight and predictable line esp where kids are involved. One of my mates thought he had figured out just like u, today one of his kids has lupus cancer and the 2nd born is diabetic, the man is one the verge of total bankruptcy. As they say, fate respects no man and life unfolds as it wishes. Tulia, usijipige kifua mapema.
Yap. It’s a thankless job. Be selfish and take a leading role in your kid’s life. Go to school meetings and help plan birthdays. This helps coz your kids will remember you whenever they are being poisoned by the mother. Shida ni kuwa wanaume tumekuwa busy sana and have no time for the kids. This creates a loophole for the mothers to use.
Again, who is this M2Random? Anyway, tragedy can meet anyone, including those without children, so your argument and logic is neither here nor there. Not having children doesn’t make you immune from tragedy.
I am not many things but I can make statements based on observations ok? I think it is you who have the problem and this is why you are not interested in alternative views. I have a father. I have relatives and friends who are fathers. Woteva crap you are talking here does not apply to them. So stop trying to make your being a failure as a man the SI unit of what men are going through. Men who jipangad properly are happier and more fulfilled and respected now in their old age and retirement than they ever were in their younger years when they were supposedly ‘slaving’ away for their kids. Lemme ask you? Fake weak ‘men’ how many kids did your grandparents raise? 10 each. Nyinyi hapa just 3 kids munalia. Nkt! I only grew up with my paternal granddad. My dad and his mom were tight like most kids are closer to their moms, my granddad was very independent, he was busy from morning to evening doing his chores upto the day he died not mopping around wallowing in pity party, waiting for his kids money and comparing what he is being given vs what his wife is getting.
Swali LA pili, were you raising kids so that they come to give you money when you are old? Selfishness will be your undoing. What kind of a man wants to compete with his wife over how much money his wife is being given by the kids? Is this the manhood taught in circumcision nowadays?Do you know what the Bible says, a righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children so if you are dependent financially on your children even the Bible itself shows it is you who has the problem not your wife and certainly not your children. Of course if you are a burden who will respect you? Who? Even the Bible says, a poor man is despised by his own family. Kids naturally want to take care of their moms, that’s natural bcz they interact most with the mom since childhood. So you can not compete with your wife for your childrens affection or money. That’s not manhood in an African context. A man is self reliant. Modern men if you don’t want responsibility of being a man and a father, then don’t start then you keep whining here. Complaining all the time. If it’s not about how munadhulumiwa na mabibi ni watoto wanawadhulumu! I mean really, ndovu hashindwi na pembe zake. It’s about time yall man up and cut this crap of pity parties which yall love so much nowadays.
If women were to sit down and tell you mambo Hao hupitia kitambo watoto watoke home. Heh! You will just shut up bcz women go through more times twenty. But they always wear a smile and lean on God. They bcm stronger. Nyinyi nowadays is like you are made of string. Hebu man up. First of all have your finances in order and second of all have what you want to do in your retirement, sio kukaa tuu ndee, you have at least 30 productive years after retirement. Sio kuongea mambo ya find a hobby. You need to have serious work you do after retirement not becoming a dependent to your kids who have their own kids to look after. Kama ulilea watoto ndio wakule pole it does not work like that, unawalea, wanalea watoto Wao. If you don’t want to sacrifice don’t have kids please instead of kushinda ukiimba how you never bought clothes for yourself so now your kids owe you.
Lemme give you free advice. Nobody especially your kids will not respect you when you are in charge of your life. You should be busy mpaka your kids need appointments to see you. Sio idling mpaka unaona Bibi yako atepewa pesa ngapi. In your old age you should be busy, have plenty of money, hapo utaona vile your wife and kids will respect you and be looking for you and trying to be in your good books.
Lakini if you have nothing my dear. Ole wako. You must accept that you have failed as a man if you need your kids money to survive. Being a man is not a joke. Wake up from this your fake comaraderie that you are misleading each other here. ATI keep something for yourself. Boss! Keep something for your grandkids is what the Bible says. We Unafikiria mambo ya hobby to avoid loneliness.
Where is the time to be lonely when you are busy being productive? Yaani talk about being pathetic. Mwanaume mzima talking about loneliness. Remember that before God created Eve, Adam wasn’t lonely, he was too busy he needed a help meet. You a failure you are busy thinking about loneliness and the money your kids will give you. Shame on you useless men. Bure kabisa.Nkt!
Mimi wanaume wote ninajua their life begun after retirement. They achieved more in their retirement than ever before. We kaa hapo ukijicomfort ATI muko wengi. You are all alone if after you retire you need a hobby bcz huna cha kufanya mwanaume mzima, unangojea handouts at par with your wife. What’s wrong with you. Hebu amkeni from the stupidity you are in. Lubbish!
My grandparents never depended on their kids for upkeep. Na Hawa kuwa wameona mlango wa shule. You umesoma hadi chuo kikuu unangojea pesa ya watoto wako. My grandmother left me an inheritance na sio shamba pesa taslim. Na sio Mimi pekee all who were named after her And it was money she made, mtu hajawahi ingia shule other than to pay fees for her kids. We hapa unajiita mwanaume you expect your kids to fund your retirement. Shame on you. Instead of thinking about your posterity in the next 300 years in the dire economy with no jobs. Unafikiria loneliness. Are you really serious as a man?
Nothing. I just linked it to poverty.
You must be in your mothers house .if only you knew how cattle owners are rich
I couldn’t waste my time reading beyond the first few sentences because you seem to be incapable of holding an objective argument. You don’t even know me and somehow you’ve concluded that I’m a failure as a man because I called you out on your bullshit. Typical shaming tactics I see all over the internet from women with below average IQ who can’t argue using facts and logic.
If you haven’t gained anything from my post other than the failure part, Sawa, experience is the best ticha. Nimekuita failure? I’ve told you any man who at any one time in his life depends on his offspring for financial support is a failure. Soma vizuri. And I’ve told you, mwanaume sio pity party, mwanaume ni kupangia his descendants upto 300yrs down the road. Sio kucomplain amefirisishwa na kulea watoto watatu. You insult me but ukweli nishasema.
My kids keep me sane I’d hate to think what I would have become. I do not order my kids around or reprimand them, I leave that to my wife. Instead I tell them stories and fables teaching them about virtue. I don’t even ask for their grades, I don’t even want to know. All I care for is character. My wife is usually baffled by how well I cope with them.
Always do your best where you can
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