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Mshahara ya feminism,cock carousel riders na welfare state
The degredation of the black community only happends with the christians and not the muslims, the same as if it would to happen the christians would be the ones engaging in the decadency and not the muslims.
That’s why the NATION OF ISLAM members looked and carried themselves differently , with a level of sophistication in the 1960’s …
Nation of Islam is considered to be a heresy and virtually every prominent Sunni scholar sees them the same way as they see Ahamdiyyas.
If Nation of Islam members lived in the Ummah and not the United States they would be subject to state sponsored genocide, weekly bombings, segregated neighborhoods and being spat on the streets much like what happens to Ahamdiyyas in Pakistan, Bahais in Iran and Shias in Malaysia amongst other nations.
Nobody gives a damn about the NATION OF ISLAM , after they killed MALCOM X , they became obsolete… long story…
.… my point was that as a muslim organisation ,when MACLCOM X was running it , THE NATION OF ISLAM’s [SIZE=7]effect [/SIZE]on it’s members and community was visible , if more african americans joined it at the time , their lives would have improved immensely as compared to their fellow christians who lived like second class people and were treated as such by racist america…
What are you talking about? Christianity at no time encouraged people to have children outside marriage,even on slave farms you had to be married to have kids, you couldnt go out and impregnate another slave unless you had married them.
Hear it from themselves(those who left that cult) and stop talking about shit you dont know anything about.
@TrumanCapote nobody was arguing about how islamic THE NATION OF ISLAM was , acha kimbelembele , soma this post I quoted and then delete that trash you posted . Thankyou
Malcolm X was never running Nation of Islam boss. He was just a pawn for The Honorable Elijah Mohamed the late who I believe was the founder, they saw X’s popularity and saw him as a way to recruit more people but in actual fact the top brass were known to be rotten before and during Malcom X tenure. He was eliminated when truth dawned on him because the cult leaders feared losing their milch cow.
Look at all those single baby mommas, they all go to church on the Sunday and then go home to raise future thugs and baby mommas. Its a vicious cykle that only happends to Christians in America. Again this won’t happen to muslims because they unlike christians have more strict standard.
Look at all the corrupt politicians, they all go to church on Sunday and then go … does that mean Christianity permits ,condones and encourages corruption?
What i talk is still true, most of those baby mommas and thugs are christians, the most degraded blacks in america are christians. You won’t see black muslims or the black Hebrew Israeletes engage in such degredation, only the black christians because they lack standards.
Why are you people so overly concerned about the Black Americans, Muslims, Christians, etc social fabric. It’s like an American forum discussing Kenyan issues, This is a Kenyan forum let’s discuss this new phenomena that’s going to soo hugely impact on our family values in a few years to come. The next generation of talkers here will probably be at that 70% raised by single mothers.Technology, Social media, internet will be the end of a proper African nuclear family.Like I said in a previous thread, it’s like it’s become fashionable to to be one!
The degradation of Africa will only happen in christian states and not in muslim states. Do you see women hoeing themselves in the future in Somalia? Or Nothern Nigeria? These places upphold strict standards.
Do you care to share some literature on this sir? I would like to read it.
What about those of us that don’t care about religion? What if I think religion is one big fraud? Does my kid qualify into either of your camps. Will they be condemned to a damnation forever simply because I stand up against the exploitation that’s today’s organized religion?
They are more likely to fall into degredation, but ofcourse its all about teaching good values. The thing is that islamic teaching has stricter standards than christianity. I’m not pro for any religion but what i write is still true which is that muslims have a upphold a higher standard than christians.