72% of African American Families have no Father: A Baby Mama/Single Mother Crisis

I know Muslims are stricter than Christians at enforcing ‘childhood’ rules. Does that make Islam any better than Christianity? Nope. I think both religions try to make us believe in non existent deity. That creation story is false. It was told by some guys living in some manyatas in the middle East more than 2000 years ago.

I know ethics, I have taught my kids not to lie. I have taught them through the basic ethical concepts. I have taught them to apply logical thinking so that they can discern when someone is asking for seed money for prayers. However, I’m culturally a Catholic.

I won’t stop them from going to mass. I want my kids to make their own independent religious decision. However, I want to influence their moral principles and standards.

Still that doesn’t change the fact that these baby mommas are from christian family homes. Single baby mommas who goes to church every sunday and gets banged by different Tyrones every week while she’s raising her future Tyrone and Shaniqua who is also going to become a church going single baby momma.

Islam is a more controlling religion. A Muslim girl will have to wear hijab and be controlled on who she sees or doesn’t see.

That level of control is superficial at best, your girls are just the same as ours. They are all horney women who need a dick. You guys claim that Islam has a better way of controlling women. Give me a break brother. You. Cannot.

lol, who claimed that i was a muslim? And what i said is still all true which is that christians are more likely to fall into degredation than muslims and that is clear in a country like America where the most degraded black engaing in decadency are christians or from christian families and not muslim or black hebrew israelities families due to these families uppholding strict standards.

In regards to the islam in Africa, our islam tend to be very liberal than those from those in arab countries. Look in west africa in countries like Senegal, they practise an older form of islam which is liberal itself, their women are liberal on how they dress and its only in a african muslim countries like Senegal where you will see muslim women freely choosing whether to wear hijab or not. Its only in Africa that you will see muslim women wearing hijab and the next day not wearing one because she didn’t feel like it, Here are some photos of young senegalese girls, very liberal in their own way of embracing islam and hijab:



How many muslim countries outside of Africa can the women wear their hijab like this?

What’s in a name? - The Problem with the “Nation of Islam” (part 1 of 2) - The Religion of Islam
What is the Nation of Islam? | GotQuestions.org

You will not see White or Asian Christians having the same issues either.
Who told you it is about religion??
If it is about upholding standards, then Buddhists take the cake.Not Muslims.

White Christians so not have the same issues so it has to do with Black culture, not religion.

Yes ,they do!!
Northern Nigerians are some of the biggest hypocrites on the African continent.Hausa prostitutes are common in Jeddah.

I am usually at a loss when I hear any normal humanbeing saying how moslem countries which are the epoch of misogyny and anarchy in general are the ones that will save the world. No thanks I would rather be an atheist. How many countries on this list are moslem countries on this list? I rest my case.

Must be why the moslem world is increasingly uninhabitable and moslems in their droves are migrating to Christian countries to escape their draconian Islamic governments. Some arguments make me wonder if you are high on drugs or just playing dumb to annoy people.


We are Citizens of the world and a huge part of being a person who lives the life of the mind is going out of your comfort zone to understand the world through the eyes of others. There is no new phenomenon, as the Bibles says , there is nothing new under the sun. This is a phenomenon that is already happening in Black Communities in the US and also among Kenyans who live in slums. Look for the demographics of single mothers in Kenyan slums. Begin with the end in mind, if you want to be a single parent because you think you are mordern go and look at people who are single parents and see how their kids turn out and look at the research. Look at how many people in the 1% wealthiest men and women in the world are polygamous(because to me this is a milder form of single parent home, the man cant be fully present in all his kids lives) or single parent families. Please give me the numbers? Now look at the poorest peoples and look at the same. So where do you as an individual want to be , in which group you want to end up and what results you want is what should guide your life not technology ,the internet or social media IT IS YOUR VALUES AND GOALS sir, I thought this is common sense even to the new genners? Looks like common sense isnt common anymore.Technology ,the internet or social media are tools that should embody the user’s needs,desires and values. They are not the ones directing how peoples lives should be.They are a servant not a master.

We are talking about the black community here and again what you said doesn’t refute what i said, these black single mommas are from christian household and go to church every sunday. The black american church is the most mentally enslaving for black people, most are not independent and are sponsored by the government and thus have rules to follow. The black muslims upphold a much higher standard then those black christians do and decadency in black america for majority of times comes from black christians. Look at this video of a pastor kicking out a black men wearing women clothes in church after he had told him several times before. Its only black christians who encourage the lgbtq agendas pushed into their communities which corrupts their childrens mind and some men feel so comfortable that they can go to church in women clothes, you will never see that happen with the black muslims: [MEDIA=facebook]id=10101308620237090;type=video;user=cjameslhuillier[/MEDIA]

What does that have anything to do with what we are talking about? Even when muslims migrate to christian countries( which is not the topic at hand) they upphold strict standards like how to behave. Your comment doesn’t change any of the facts that the decadency comes from christian countries and in term of migration from those muslim countries maybe they wouldn’t have to migrate if christian countries in the west didn’t bomb their countries for their resources.

This is what will be the situation in KE by 2030 mkiendelea na hii upuzi ya feminisim. @Azor Ahai and @M2Random have all the reasons to celebrate. Singo matha galore!!

It has EVERYTHING to do with it, islamic nations are know for the worst ills in the world , beheading, punitive amputations, child brides , people quoting Quran have commited crimes that make all kinds of hoeing look very angelic. Raping women by ISIS, the havoc they have wrecked while using Quran to justify their evil. Stoning pregnant women who were raped. And they use the Quran to support their diabolic ways. These people want to annihilate the nation of Israel and to kill Christians and anybody who converts. Can you please quote for me a verse in the Bible Christians use to kill and maim people and bomb innocents. Terrorism in the name of Allah that kills even Moslems. How can a moslem play the morality card when the most heinous and immoral acts OF KILLING EVEN KIDS as suicide bombers. As Kafirs , or anyone converting from Islam.And its all in your so called Holy Book. Your so called messenger had an 8 yr old wife. A CHILD> Hoeing is a saintly act compared to all the mess in that your so called religion. This is a classic case of a pot calling a kettle black. Yall fighting in your islamic states then you leave because yall figting all the time and move to peaceful christian countries and then bring that violent ‘religion’ with all its mess into these countries if islam is so greaat shouldnt Islamic countries be Janna - Paradise? Why yall need to move to Kafir countries with you amazing non hoeing ‘religion’. Islam is all about appearances. Keeping up appearances so you wont get stoned. Go ask sex workers in moslem time when is the peakest time for their business. Its right before Ramadhan. So much for looking at hoeing. Yall the worst hoes . Have anal sex so as to keep virginity. Go to Lamu too many gay men that if you let your boy kid walk around they’ll be molested. The only moslem town I havent lived in are the ones in North Eastern so those stories you telling me go tell it to the birds who dunno tabia yenu.

You can easily find words in the bible that justify the killings of other as in the quran. And islam is not the same all over and the Islam practised in Africa varies from that in Saudi Arabia. For example, The the Islam practiced in West Africa is of the Maliki School of thought which tolerates local cultures so long as they aren’t explit ( lax sex rules for example). But the recent decades Wahhabism has been pushed by Saudi Arabia in countries such as Nigeria which has created the terrorists you see there, these terrorist mostly come from poor environment. But compare that to Senegal a muslim country which practises the older form of Islam, its one of the most peaceful and democratic countries in Africa, above Kenya. And as i keep telling you im not a muslim and this topic is about black american single mommas which i answered with that most of them come from christian families and if the truth offends you so be it, but it is the truth that most of the black people engaging in decadency come from christian families and not muslims which are strict with their standard.

The vast majority of people in the West are not practicing Christians first and foremost.
If there was any correlation with Christianity then White Americans who are by far more religious in the South should have the same issue.
Less than 11% of White American children are born out of wedlock.

Again we are talking about the black community here… Ofcourse its not just about christianity but the black christians in america has succumbed to white supramacy unlike the muslims, the black christians can’t upphold their standards and welcome it when white liberals push agendas such as lgbtq. This is from LGBTQ this week in black america, this is successful white supramacy pushed into black people, these types of behaviour creates the single mommas you see out there, its this type of behaviour that is encouraged mostly by black christians and never black muslims or hebrew israelites in america, they have more standards:

:DDont hold your breath