Word of the day: Whanau...

…pronounced Faanau, This is one of the words the Maori of New Zealand have contributed to the English language and popular culture that include the Haka - that posturing dance many will remember from the start of rugby matches by the All Blacks. Did you know the silver fern design on the All Blacks paraphernalia is a symbol of renewal, growth and vitality also borrowed from the Maori? what other interesting words have contributed to the wealth of the English language?


[li]an extended family or community of related families who live together in the same area.[/li]




Useless fact of the day: the Hyundai logo represents a handshake

Mwarimu Gach would I be correct if I said that: In Tz the digital whanau is under sieke.

Ama fanau za kidigitali zimefungwa

Thank you very much. wacha nirekebishe.

An octopus has three hearts

What for?
As if one doesn’t cause enough heart ache.

My mother: Kumbe sudo no ùkorwo na whanaù ?
Me: riù mami ingiakìra fara fuaaa naù?
