With each passing day, the Zelensky regime finds it harder to hide Ukraine's heavy losses

@ndume mutaambiaje watu :D:D:D
What do you say to tens of thousands of women who haven’t communicated with their husbands and sons for weeks?
Looks like Russian propaganda has found its way to The Washington Post
Let me pick some juicy parts, the rest you can read for yourself while crying uncontrollably

@Akon City II kuja tusome

[SIZE=7]Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned[/SIZE]
DRUZHKIVKA, Ukraine — Stuck in their trenches, the Ukrainian volunteers lived off a potato per day as Russian forces pounded them with artillery and Grad rockets on a key eastern front line. Outnumbered, untrained and clutching only light weapons, the men prayed for the barrage to end — and for their own tanks to stop targeting the Russians.

“They [Russians] already know where we are, and when the Ukrainian tank shoots from our side it gives away our position,” said Serhi Lapko, their company commander, recalling the recent battle. “And they start firing back with everything — Grads, mortars.
“And you just pray to survive.”
Ukrainian leaders have projected and nurtured a public image of military invulnerability.

But the experience of Lapko and his group of volunteers offers a rare and more realistic portrait of the conflict and Ukraine’s struggle to halt the Russian advance in parts of Donbas. Ukraine, like Russia, has provided scant information about deaths, injuries or losses of military equipment. But after three months of war, this company of 120 men is down to 54 because of deaths, injuries and desertions.

When they could take it no longer, Lapko and his top lieutenant, Vitaliy Khrus, retreated with members of their company this week to a hotel away from the front. There, both men spoke to The Washington Post on the record, knowing they could face a court-martial and time in military prison.

But Lapko and Khrus’s concerns were echoed recently by a platoon of the 115th Brigade 3rd Battalion, based nearby in the besieged city of Severodonetsk. In a video uploaded to Telegram on May 24, and confirmed as authentic by an aide to Haidai, volunteers said they will no longer fight because they lacked proper weapons, rear support and military leadership.

“We are being sent to certain death,” said a volunteer, reading from a prepared script, adding that a similar video was filmed by members of the 115th Brigade 1st Battalion. “We are not alone like this, we are many.”

Hours after The Post interviewed Lapko and Khrus, members of Ukraine’s military security service arrived at their hotel and detained some of their men, accusing them of desertion.

The men contend that they were the ones who were deserted.
“When we were coming here, we were told that we were going to be in the third line on defense,” Lapko said. “Instead, we came to the zero line, the front line. We didn’t know where we were going.”

It’s a miracle the Russians haven’t pushed through their defensive line in Toshkivka, Khrus said as Lapko nodded. Besides their rifles and hand grenades, the only weapons they were given were a handful of rocket-propelled grenades to counter the well-equipped Russian forces. And no one showed Lapko’s men how to use the RPGs.

The casualties here are largely kept secret to protect morale among troops and the general public.
“On Ukrainian TV we see that there are no losses,” Lapko said. “There’s no truth.”

@ndume I thought the Russians ran out of ammunition two months ago…what’s this I’m reading on the clearly pro-Ukraine Washington Post? I’m confused, who’s telling the truth?

Kwanza hii mnyama inaacha nyama choma kila mahali. Ukrainians wakiskia imefika area wanaanza kunyamba na kuomba their last prayers.
Inaitwa TOS-1A Heavy flamethrower. Hizo bombs zinalipuka kwa hewa alafu zinanyesha moto huko chini. Ikilipuka juu yako there’s absolutely no chance of surviving. Zero. Nyet.


@ndume I told you in the coming weeks hundreds of Ukrainians are going to desert/surrender daily. The propaganda no longer works. By now they know the Russians are more professional than their own Ukrainian leaders. They know that if they surrender the Russians won’t kill or torture them like they were led to believe.

Again @ndume, mtaambiaje watu?

The fact that the ‘Special Operation’ is still a going concern 90days in is a victory for Ukraine.
Theres nothing to hide theres nothing to be ashamed of for a country like russia to take on a country like Ukraine.
A military victory putin may get…but thats just about it…nothing more nothing less.
Zelensky stands to gain by exposing and even carefully exaggerating his losses…aseme yote ndio tujue vile tutanyorosha russia hii ushienzi iki isha.

Okay, mental gymnastics detected :D:D:D

Hata sikusoma post…nimeropokwa tu.
Nimewatch bbc aljazeera cnn leo morning kujiupdate na story ya ukraine after a long while…hio stuff inaniuma.


If a small country like Ukraine makes mother Russia exasperate for 3 months like this, what about country like USA that Russia keeps taunting? Useless kabisa

russia itapata hizo nuclear riwe riwalo

Those are western propaganda outlets, they are no good. Even their own western audiences wanalia mbona they barely getting any news outta Ukraine. Ile inatoka iko so heavily doctored that even the most gullible people are beggining to ask questions on twitter.

Ingia telegram uone venye NATO puppet zelensky ananyoroshwa proper

Exactly… No one has disputed the fact that Ukraine has suffered heavy losses…ever! .:smiley:

I gave a good example on this after 3 weeks of the war. Imagine GoK taking this long to quell a rebellious Luo Nyanza.

Would these idiots be praising GoK for fighting a successful war?

Prematch Analysis Of Russia Ukraine War - News & Politics - Kenya Talk

US ndio meffi kabisa.
They were in Vietnam for 20 years.
At its peak, the US had 549,000 troops stationed in Vietnam
The US dropped more bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia than everything they dropped on the Axis powers during World War 2. Vietnam is roughly half the size of Ukraine.
Despite all these statistics, the US ran away from Vietnam, tail firmly tucked between legs. But sure, they can beat Russia :D:D:D:D

More mental gymnastics. Do you know how to read? A Ukrainian soldier, who has witnessed actual action, says this
The casualties here are largely kept secret to protect morale among troops and the general public.
“On Ukrainian TV we see that there are no losses,” Lapko said. “There’s no truth.”
But some ghaseer thousands of miles away knows better :D:D:D. I know it’s hard to come to terms with reality, but ya’ll will just have to. Putin never stated how long the special operation would last, but you’re free to jump to conclusions. After sending millions of tons of military equipment to Ukraine, they’re still getting whipped, and thoroughly. Deal with it.

Putin had such great rapport with the west. I wonder what happened


Our resident Russophobe asks a rhetorical question :D:D:D
Henry Kissinger, the master of realpolitik, told you juuuuzi tu that you can’t ignore Russia. The west will have to negotiate. But as usual he was immediately branded a Russian sympathizer. Halafu a few years from now you’ll be here asking “I wonder what went wrong in Ukraine? Why didn’t we see the signs?”

[I]Speaking via video link to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Monday, Mr. Kissinger said the failure to restart negotiations with Russia and the further alienation of the Kremlin would have dire long-term consequences for stability in Europe.

“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome,”[/I]


:D:DHurumia akina @ndume , @Abba , @rexxsimba , @Troy yungin and the likes

Even the biggest proponent of Bayraktar drone @hakimoto ameingia nyasi after the nazi special forces kusurrender pale Azovstal

I would add that russia currently controls over 20% of ukrainian territory which is equal to half of the vietnam’s territory and vietnam wasn’t even closely as developed and weapon pumped as modern ukraine. But CNNheads still believe that american army are characters from call of duty or hollywood movies. Nothing can change them.
And I don’t even talk about mogadishu failure where they got their asses kicked and ran away the next day lol

So our resident Ruscist replies :smiley:

I have read Kissinger’s thoughts on this some days back. Btw i have read alot of stuff about the kissinger-nixon tag team and i can tell u those guys were brilliant

But Kissinger still thinks in old school terms. He had an excellent run during his time i.e 60s and 70s. But his time has past and his ideas are in the past. Russia is no longer the worlds number 2 economy and their military strength does not even approach that of the USSR.

The west wont condone an invasion of Russia by Ukraine but they can push as far as restoring Ukraines borders pre-2014

Could you elaborate how exactly? In such case, what will they do with people from crimea and LDPR who hate ukraine to the core and don’t see themselves as a part of it? Territory is just territory, but what about people?

You mean like they pushed for the return of Crimea? As I type this, the occupied (or liberated, as Russia calls them) parts of Ukraine are already being integrated into the Russian federation. They’re switching to using Russian roubles, the Russian education system, Russian TV and radio, Russian time zones…you name it. But you’re still under the delusion that they’ll return to Ukraine? By the end of 2022 they’ll hold a referendum through which they’ll say goodbye to Ukraine forever.

These things arent cast in stone and Ukraine isnt a vital strategic interest to the west.

But i can tell you the west will try to push for the pre 2014 borders. Things might reach a negotiation phase and once that happens, we dont know the outcome.

But if the west keeps up its supplies to Ukraine, they can definitely restore its original borders. Russia is essentially a middle power with nukes.

how many years did Afghanistan make US sweat? , how long did vietnam war last?

You can only lie so far. Media houses are beginning to realize they are losing their credibility. Russia is not in a hurry and has no obligation to reveal its strategy. Europe will be the first to ration foodstuff. Hungary has already declared a state of emergency but that was assumed to be a non-event by western media. Europe is about to realize they produce nothing while living off other people’s sweat.
