Why the black man will always be at the bottom

Ukweli mtunguu. A junguu dad will fly his kids to school every morning. A black man who is in service to his kids even just walking them to a school next door 5 minutes away is labelled a simp. Every other race is fixated on family except the black man who is focusing on faking a masculinity he doesn’t have. Junguu men are so involved with their children. Black men :gorilla: that is women’s work. It may dilute their non existent masculinity.



you hate yourself.

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The same junguu who is saying it’s okay for men to marry fellow men? Or they can chop their diks and become fully functional women?
Shebooon please get a life.
Hata their hot young women don’t like those pasty white pansies. Mandingo all the way. Tembea dunia and expand your mind Acha izo mboch fantasies umepick up afrocinema

Kuma lazima iuzwe coz demand is high. Nobody has managed to end kuuza kuma, it’s not your weak pathetic monkey :monkey: arses which will do it.

Trying to gaslight me doesn’t change the truth.I love myself enough to want the best for myself by the way I love and adore junguu men. No self loving woman goes for the bottom males. Even animals don’t.

your father never loved you?


Loved? He loves me every day. Because he’s WHITE on the inside!!! What does a silly chimpanzee like you know about love huh?! Stick to eating banana and water melon. Leave high ideals like love to Oreos.

You are calling your father a chimpanzee

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your opinion is valid and it matters.

Go on tell me more

Why would I you can’t comprehend only a white man can . We pambana na hali yako ukikula melon.



You also checked “inside” your daddy ?!!! Ulijuaje ni white huko ndani ?

Pick a struggle takataka hii. You chose the white man. Whether the black man is in the botom inakuhusu aje?

Ati white on the inside, are you serious bish, joo nikupige kende utulie kiare.

Even women. If a women doesn’t adhere to those values, everything collapses as well.