We all knows dynasties love having one of their own in office to protect their illegally acquired wealth. This time they are in a fix as Gatheca’s term is coming to an end. They are out of options and has no apparent heir. Raila has lost multiple times and if he dares to vie atafanyiwa kama kawaida. Gatheca term yake inaisha though kuna rumors that atapewa post ya PM, Mudavadi can’t even be elected by some of his people. Luhyas are always divided and Gideon Moi ata atupee bibi yake ama akuwe na running mate mkikuyu ama mkamba hawezi chaguliwa. Kwanza central sijui babake aliwafanyia nini. They don’t like him. Ruto is the one in a good position to take over power. Am pretty sure if they can kill him they can do it. It’s the most logical thing to do. Wanaskia mtoto wa maskini atatawala wanaumia. Wanajua mali yao iko hatarini. Si mumeona venye Moi anapelekwa na kesi za mashamba…
Ruto is a dynasty in himself. Most of the elements tagged as Dynasties have their roots in peasantry.
Kenyatta and Moi parents weren’t rich, nor were they from the ruling class. After graduating, under Moi’s patronage, Ruto joined YK92, a money minting machine outfit.
Fast forward to 2020, if Ruto’s Son, decided to join active politics, atapiga siasa za hustler kweli, ama will he be clustered together with the likes of Kenyatta’s, Moi’s, Kibaki’s, Odinga’s other sons and daughters whose parents made serious money, through public office ?
Shida sio ruto shida Ni ENTITLEMENT ya Hawa watoto wa dynasty’s ,they think viti kubwa Ni birthright Yao ama right of passage,that arrogance is very off-putting…huyo ngeos kwani hajui Gillette