why mombasa??

mombasa is the first african city to have alot of gays in street

My friend went there once,now he z a gay
why mombasa?

Was he forced into it?? Meaning he was one since kitambo which makes me believe you’re one as well

Kwa Raha Zao …!!

Bomoa kabati bila kusumbua!

Tembea ujionee mengi. Cape Town ndio baba yao.

have never been,na sitajaribu

Makorokocho =Gaylord 13

Hii marketing strategy yako tunaionea 18.

are you gay yourself?

Inaonekana wazee wameangalia kwa kina na mahakama umekupata na kesi ya kujibu.

or else he have the right to remain silent. Anything he
say can and will be used against him in a court of law.

I think Nairobi have lots of gay guys as compared to other places. I never heard of gay only club in mombasa unlike in Nairobi. It’s in your blood Nairobians, kubali yaishe. A street thug won’t waste chance raping your ass in Nairobi just to harm your feed his ego.

Leta hekaya, nani alikufanyia huu unyama?


Club gani hizo ziko nairobi.Niende ni wakemee.

We say in greek “mûshera na mûkûdû akûdûkaga take”
It simply means you’re straight

Eish… ! Kweli mko wengi huku

wameshani inbox mashoga kama wawili humu wako dar wote wanatokea mombasa wanataka nikawakaze,cc kwetu ayo mambo akunaga

Wewe chokora ulirusha ndowano na ishashika chenye ulikuwa wataka so do us a favor and stop with the pretence enda ubomowe kabati story iishe