back in 1940 young men from kenya esp kalenjins and kikuyu went to fight for a whiteman in burma and india. kikuyu with their superior observatory and deductive thinking capacities realised that the whiteman was vulnerable just like the rest.
he died like a mortal he is.
when they came back maumau was born.
early 20th century the seven sisters divided the middle east oil among themselves. that was the major and the original ingridient of the recipe for disaster that is terrorism. the so called superpowers cannot and will not forever import their will and ideoligies and impose them on others.
the hue and cry that i witnessed when the whiteman died was no like other. stupid africans think that the whiteman life is sacred than the rest.
the arabs beg to differ and will fight to the bitter end.
there was boko haram killings,westgate,garrissa just to mention afew.
they didnot elicite the same level of emotions as when the parisians died.
i fully support the arab onslaught on babylon.
when america invaded afghanistan and iraq,shoot even unarmed civilians(women and children whom lives i think were sacred)nobody raised a voice. why condemn now when the sacred whiteman dies.
palestinian kids were shelled by tons of israel rockets nobody seemed to care.
i ask why feel the pain now when the whiteman dies?
isis is a creation of the american govt,why arent they taking blame for their actions?
the whiteman is a terrible animal who kills to protect his interests and if beleive otherwise you are a brainwashed fool who worships the devil himself(whiteman).
Back when i was a little boy,i used to tell the bullies utanigonga pa mia nitakugonga pa sumuni.
that is exactly what the arabs are doing.
i cunt remember iraq or vietnam ever invading america but the converse i can.
my two russian rubbles.
Honestly I don’t care what the Arabs or whites do to each other…I’ll just sit on the fence eating my popcorn and watch the fuckers kill each other
How many foreigners lost their lives there?
stupid african.
From my point of view it doesnt matter.
no human is more equal than the other.
Sawa basi remember mpeketoni attacks?
Hopefully it won’t take place in your remote village or your children won’t be slaughtered in school
I don’t particularly like this word. Can’t you find any other words to express your disagreement.
Sawa boss. I loathe the arab. Have you done research about what he did to africans? Ama uko hapa ukijifanya mwarabu.
Now that’s better, you must be suffering from a migraine after all that thinking.
It doesn’t matter where your support is, but if you were to do a similar research on Arabs you will find that they’re no better… But its none of my biz…
And you sir might die as the collateral damage.
Binadamu ako na umatako mob tu.
The moment they’ll find you,your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, your neighbor and so forth, they’ll not care whether you supported them or not. To them, you are kafir.
Hawa Rubbles ni ma Form I wa Kigumo Bendera?
We should be concerned about our domestic issues… unless a stray bullet travels all the way from middle east and hits me…I don’t give 2 fucks what those fuckers do to each other
and this is how niggas get radicalized watu wanauliza how a kenyan graduate became a monster it all started this way; sympathy.
all this would have been avoided if the white man had stuck to his continent
only that Kamau and Ole Tipis would have killed each other for miserable cows
conflict is in the DNA of man
hata Cain killed Abel. who radicalised him?
may be we should have remained as dust
i dunno
Allow me to be silly but if its war between arabs and white man.why is the black man also included? Is thea a black superpower country?? Answer me in a simple way with no insults
This is the last time am going to give this lesson. @Carbon sikia sawasawa. Kuna kitu inaitwa lanes in life. The world will not lose a heartbeat when you are gone. Third world countries can go fuck a cactus. However, as long as uncle Sam and his allies are not “happy”, the world will not sleep. Try to understand this na umezee tusker before ulale. It is for the same reason that your rich kinsman does not care whether umekula, wewe ni mgonjwa ama wezi wanakuhangaisha. As long as he is comfortable, you can go fuck yourself