Since the 1990s this has been the norm. Mwanaume akivaa earrings yeye no homo.
Si utoboe zako ndio ujue nugu iii
Fags everywhere:D:D
Ask @Jimit . Rumor has it that he has three rings…two on his ears and the third on his 15kg foreskin.
Hey geezer. Did you stop worshipping 2pac?
Faggot,where did you know he got such weight of foreskin?
Mujamaa amepigwa KO
This was their tradition since ancient times, not homo, during the late 20th century men would wear one earring and sag to signal gayism. This trend picked up with others taking it for fashion and it’s been there since amongst homos and guys trying to look cool.
Hii ni TKO :D:D:D:D:D
wacha mind games.
tulisha declare all non traditions ear piercings on men = homosexuals
advocate tunakuona
I wear those things but I ain’t a fag . Wacheni siasa:D:D
Shoga kubwa hii
Speaking of which …
One of his former lays ( … a divorced cougar who used to frequent his Gym …) has dropped a very interesting post of him …
Complete with very revealing pics and stories of his lame “activities” …
Lakini …
Wacha Tuu … :D:D:D
So many Faggots and Gaayyy Juveniles in the house … :D:D