Who is funding this movement

You don’t need to monitor 1m people. Set it up to county levels fool. Delegate it to other govt organs bro. Let them feel the political responsibilities of those funds. Why are other countries succeeding in these changes?
Example Bukina Faso a small country, the govt was able to buy tractors, thousands of them for small scale farmers. He set up policies that would ensure that there is fiscal responsibilities for those machines by farmers in each village. Food production in that country is almost doubling. Be smart bro. Hii ni tu idea.


The culture is different. Bonobo culture is about running back to the reserve with your loot

In the new bill, set up systems and laws to deal with corruption. This is the conversation that we should have sio ati we have a cultural problem and we should do nothing about it because it’s a culture. Nonsense.
Whoever is found to be corrupt should be hang. This are the new laws that we need to see sio Rachael Ruto apewe 700M … for what???.

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We have many laws on the books. If your response any time something goes wrong is to scroll a made up rule on a piece of paper, no wonder we are not moving forward.

You can try it for yourself or someone you know. Am sure you know a few village vagabonds who still steal eggs from their mother’s kitchen in the village.

Visit them one morning with gusto an vigor and tell them you have finally discovered how to get them out of the current precarious situation. Proceed to fish out a thick binder of rules and laws that if followed would undoubtedly transform their lives.

Then sit back and watch how fast it takes them to shit on every one of those rules before you can bid them kwaheri.

The theory is that civilization was only possible because humans agreed to self domesticate. There is no pen or fence large enough that you could build to contain a heard of buffalos.

Conversely, a boy with a small stick can control a heard of cows weighing more than a buffalo. it starts with the material you have to work with, it is not and has never been about rules.

And if you doubt me, go to one of the most all-round developed nations on earth like Japan or upcoming ones like China, stop a well-to-do citizen of the country, and ask them to name you the rules and regulations they know offhand. They will most likely know zero outside of traffic rules.

Then ask them what their parents taught them, and they could write you a whole novel end to end. People are successful because they want to be successful, not because their is a whip on their back

Still… why does Rachael Ruto deserve 700M?

Why doesn’t she?

A question answered by a question. Wewe ni makamasi tu…

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Even if it was being “funded” , no one would tell You … :blush:

Bottom Line …
Real Revolutions are Organic and not funded by anyone …

Push anyone beyond their elastic limit and the result is a spontaneous reaction to your oppression…

That simple … :blush: :hotsprings:

Ask him of 800M for gashagwa meant for confidential expenditure, his head is deep in some rear hole.