Who is funding this movement

I know exactly what it means more than you will ever know

Sawa. Continue with your bullshitting.

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@administrator @Electronics4u kuna huyu user 255. Heā€™s slam spamming your threads with TZ stuff.
Whatā€™s his goal when we have better things to talk about?


Hawachezi, 3hrsā€¦


Itā€™s not bullshit

Hearken to my words and rejoice in their splendor. You have had the privilege of being addressed by the Great Mikymas

You may feel pain at first, but know thisā€¦ it is salvation. The scales tip toward peace because of your attention. Smileā€¦ for through pain, you have seen the light.

The great Mikymas watu ya nyahururu ni kama wameanza kupenda Raira woe waende Bondo kwa muganga ama vipi

I have graduates brothers and sisters and they have nothing and no hope. So what are you saying omera

How is the finance bill in its best version possible going to deal with a 40% unemployment rate?

This is what happens when you watch too many movies and expect your shitty country to have the same standards as developed VERY WEALTHY western nations.

What youā€™re avoiding is the reality that weā€™re an EXTREMELY POOR COUNTRY with excessive WEALTH INEQUALITY.

Thereā€™s no amount of protesting that will change our POOR reality.

Ni kama kuchungulia kwa jirani sonko through the fence and then coming home to complain to your father who works as a toilet cleaner at the local school why he doesnā€™t buy you bacon and cheese toast daily or install DSTV premium

You donā€™t have to deal with the whole 40%. Do these:

  1. Take 700M assigned to Rachael Ruto, and use it come up with youth programs to train them about job markets. Train them about how to write CVs, train them about interview tips.
  2. Take another 800M meant for bibi ya gachagua and set up mental health clinics meant for youths dealing with mental issues and alcoholism.
  3. Take another 800M meant for traveling abroad for bench-markings to start programs meant to empower youth entrepreneurship. If a youth has a sound business plan, loan them 50% of what they have.
  4. Remove all the high taxes and unnecessary punitive costs and levys that the govt punishes start-ups. Make them free from paying taxes for the 1st 1 year if and only if they will hire 20 youths. This will spur employment.
  5. For local manufacturers, give them huge subsidy. For example if the company that produces pads, the ruto govt should be paying them 100M every year if:

a) they hire 50 youth every year
b) meet a certain production target meant to meet the demand. Once that is achieved, double the taxes on pads imported from abroad.

  1. Revive some of for profits corporations and make them full functional. A good example is ADC, KALRO, ā€¦ Make it commercial. Jobless agricultural youths will get employed, marketing graduates will soon follow to market those products, sales graduates will be employed,

Iā€™m not an economist but a simple minded busaa catalyser who can reason well. If the Ruto regime can think outside the box, employment issues will continue to decline year after year till it becomes 0%. Itā€™s all about policies and tax codes changes.

Here is the trick, the more youths get hired, the more PAYE govt makes from them. More or else you give them with left and take them with your right.


We already have a 50 billion youth fund. Youths took the money, and suddenly hot clubs began Poppin off all over the country.

If implementing youth poverty alleviation programs were so easy, every government would be doing it.

I have seen projects funded for 5 years up to maturity and self sustainability. As soon as big brother takes his eye off the project, the negro urge to steal and run to the reserves takes over

One of the most difficult things to is develop human capital

If it were that easy it would have been done. Mumius sugar is on it 10th or 20th revival

Bro its all about policy change. If you look carefully, I based my points on policy change, have oversight and get rid of corruption.
Answer me, why should Rachael Ruto get 700M , for what???


Itā€™s all about Corruption seniorā€¦ nothing else. Ruto who wants to revive mumias has his own sugar company set up somewhere in rift valley. What makes you think that he has MUMIAS interest at heart? Think bossā€¦

They took the money because there was no good policies set up to control that money, there was no oversight and follow ups, there was no accountability on them. Just like the govt setting money aside for roads and 10 years down the road no road has been built. They had the same wrong approach na youth fund. How would it succeed.

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The source of funding money is right in front of your face, you just donā€™t want to see itā€¦ :grin:



Itā€™s not policy change. Itā€™s humans are idiots. You canā€™t get people out of poverty with one stroke of genius the famous ā€œchinese miracleā€ of lifting 1 billion people out of poverty took blood, sweat, tears, and unprecedented levels of policing and outright brutality

Why should ruto wife be given 700M? you arenā€™t answering that ā€¦ why.

How are you going to monitor one million people realistically. Assuming it takes 1000 per person to monitor one person in each visit, and you do it once a month, is that not 12 billion a year at minimum. Is that practical. And where will you find all those monitors, and how sure are you they wonā€™t just collaborate in theft?

A good piece of poultry is only as good as the material itā€™s made from. If the participants are inherently criminals at heart, thereā€™s very little you can do.

All modern systems of society are built on the assumption that the participants are there willfully except for a few sociopaths. In my experience, we have large swaths of the population that are criminals in waiting out of the sheer thrill of being a criminal