Religious people argue that the universe is so perfectly designed and highly complex that a supernatural being must have created it. If we adopt the argument, can’t we say that God is even much more complex than the universe itself. So who created him?
He created Himself
Mambo ya mungu achana nayo huwezi elewa
I don’t picture God as a being, or A creation… I think God is more of elements such as Love, Life, time, truth, power, law, Knowledge, etc.
These always existed before everything
You are the image of God, so you look like him
He has always existed and will always exist (“from everlasting to everlasting”).
Soma Quran
Not exactly, i possess knowledge, i possess life, I follow law, i have power and will to do stuff, …
Image in this context means a reflection of character and not physical appearance
- Time factor precedes your description of God in this context
since we having nothing else to compare it to, can we really say the universe is perfectly created ?
As humans do we ascribe all these good qualities to a being who none of us has actually ever seen or heard from because we need him to be like that in our minds to ease our human condition ? Because it would be too dreadful and despairing to believe otherwise ?
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful".
1)Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,-
2)Allah—the Sustainer ˹needed by all˺.
3)He has never had offspring, nor was He born.
4)And there is none comparable to Him.
Once you understand the concept of infinity (not being affected by time or space, utawacha kuuliza swali kama izo
Human being akieza scientifically ingia 5th, 6th dimension kuendelea
God doesnt exist
It’s a fallacy that every action or event has a preceding action, for example, an egg or a chicken does not necessarily have to follow another. By this postulate therefore, God does not need a creator, he can just exist. But also bear in mind that there may be several gods, even millions of them. There is no reason that god should only be one guy.
you didn’t specify which god your talking about they exist dozens the most famous been yahweh in genesis it clearly explains the foundation of the earth. The God is self creating if your not satisfied by the origins keep tabs with CERN
ALL matter and psychological processes — thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes — are composed of energy which can neither be created nor destroyed,only converted from one form to another. Hio ingine ni kiherehere
Currently we are estimating that 96% of what exists everywhere in the universe is undetectable except for the fact that it exerts gravitational pull. We cannot detect it. So if we can only percieve and comment on only 4% of physical existence, we cannot analyse 96% of physical stuff around us, how can we say anything about what exists beyond?
This is the answer the OP needed to get.
There’s a lot of stuff we men are yet to grasp, hence the huge disconnect to God. We still have a lot to deal within ourselves and still yet to understand a lot.
We’re still discovering species here on earth, how you get the idea to ask for God’s creator is beyond us all.
Will we ever reach there? That’s the question.