Boss and i will repeat it again, If i respect the Muslim faith or Confucianism does it make me a member? Be factual and you wont go wrong, emotions leave them to bitches.
you hold them in high esteem, i dont. they bring disaster anyway. its not like they are harmless. And yeah i get pissed off when someone tries to tell me to respect scamming prophets.
Thats where you go wrng, the said prophets havent scammed nor conned anyone, the people who purport to be closest to them are. When somebody steals by your name does it make you a thief? Religion is bad as bad can be no question, the message on the other hand is enlightening. I will never say am religious but am on the path of enlightenment.
In my opinion, jesus duped people by claiming to be a god of some sort and purpoting to have supernatural abilities and by telling people that there is a heaven. Mohammed ata tusiongee. They are responsible for their religions. The message is completely misleading to me, not enlightening. these are just two examples.
true religion is misleading but the books are enlightening. You can never ever be responsible of your sons mistakes.
At the end of the day its bout faith and that can never be substantiated or quantified. Be factual and wise on this issue.
I like mythical creatures and to me Jesus is nothing else but a mythical creature. So as a matter of fact i’m actually paying homage to him.
If you are talking about the bible, Quran and the like, they are totally misleading to me.
you cant say that in totality. scientific papers are not totally true, but break throws are made from the parts that true. Its foolish of you to insinuate the bible in totality is false. every book, chapter, verse, word is wrong. Some parts yes but not everything. As a good researcher you need to read wide and take whats true but dnt take stuff out of context like our pastors.
@Unicorn ni dreamer and them are worse than religious fanatics.
The bible introduced Jesus to us and yes i have read the bible, it is a fun fairy tale. It is a good read, read it like other fairy tales like lets say… the little mermaid or Peter Pan.
Lmfao… I have no answer to that, woi equating history to mermaids, epitome of stupidity.
I actually treasure mermaids than the history you’re talking about because that history doesn’t make sense to me. It is very inconsistent. There were many ‘Jesuses’ …Jesus ben Sirach, Jesus ben Ananias etc… but the fable was a cultural construct. The original Mary was not a virgin, that idea was borrowed from pagan goddesses. The pagan world knew all about virgins getting pregnant by randy gods; the mythical virgin mother. But then again with my stupidity, i can only allow people like you to enlighten me.
If you have read ma post keenly you would have noticed that there are similarities on many aspects of the said religion. I can never know if Mary was a Virgin or not or the connotation is from a pagan faith. BTW whats paganism 0n this respect?
Religion has marred the book with things that are really from the pagan world, e,g Christmas what Easter is today in actual sense its passover. the composition of the book by itself is in question as Emperor Constantine burnt all books that didnt conform to what we know the bible today. The objective here is there are some parts of the bible are just plain Judaism and some parts that will really enlighten you (proverbs). and some bits just plain science fiction for lack of a better word (revelations). I dnt look at the bible as a book but a compilation of books that some can enlighten someone.
‘sisyphean’… at least I’ve learnt a new word today…
religion is more sophisticated than Rocket science
Actually his first miracle was speaking while still in the cradle as a baby,he spoke out to protect his mother Mary from any accusations people may have placed on her due to having a child without a father. He said:
“I am indeed a slave of God. He has given me the Book and made me a Prophet, and He has made me blessed wherever I may be. And He has enjoined upon me prayers, and to pay the alms, as long as I live and He has made me kind to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed. And may Peace be upon me the day I was born, and the day I die, and on the Day I shall be raised to life.”
Are we supposed to pick up certain parts that we feel are enlightening us and ignore the rest?This is the book that brought Jesus forward to us and yet it is full of inconsistencies . I understand the problem of translation and everything but i wonder why christions burned down the library of Alexandria. Anyway,i respecy anyone who believes in this guy but to me I classify him with all the other mythical creatures…Some conservatives like you will call it blasphemous but that’s their opinion. To Hindus cows are devine but some people slaughter them and kill them…Hmmm blasphemy.
[ATTACH=full]2628[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]2627[/ATTACH] jesus
In life you take what builds your character and shun whats a burden.
Jesus roamed he earth (irrespective to what or what he didnt do) mermaids and your mythical creatures have never but they come into existence as a result of your imagination. Jesus as a person roamed the earth, Him being the son of God or the Messiah is a subject of faith.
The reason people say that Jesus existed is because the bible says so.The bible also mentions unicorns atleast seven or so times(king James version which is said to have the best translation). Did they really exist? That’s debatable just like this guy…
If I go by your first sentence then I’d say that I’ve chose to shun the Jesus guy because he doesn’t build my character at all… It is my choice and I don’t force it down anyone’s throat.
Wrong again. Jesus exists as a historical character.
Google “Historicity of Jesus”