White Bonobos......is this even real?

Hawa supporter wanaeza kuwa this stupid ?


Si ati wanaweza, they are always stupid and illiterate.

What du yu expecti from inbred redneck hillybillies,even their leader drools over his daughter

Nani amewatch atuambie ni nini fake news wanasema? What has Trump done to piss them off this time around?

As a side note how comes the “smart”, college educated, Bible bashing, God hating atheists, homosexual supporting, baby killing abortionists are dying like flies due to Covid?

Filthy streets, homelessness. Anyway they are smart and think they know everything. Yet they always fuc.k up their own cities.

The total number of deaths in USA this year is lower than last year and in 2018. But we’re in the midst of a deadly pandemic, sure…:rolleyes:

Notice they don’t talk about regular influenza deaths anymore.

:D:D kawaida ya Americans. Many of them wanakuanga dense sana. Watu hata kuname their country ni shida.


Most Americans are dumb shit