women might stone me after reading this post,but facts be said, …monogamy is not a Biblical practice,the Lord made a clear statement when He created more females than males and later said that none of them will lack a mate.
i always wonder why we read the Bible with our eyes closed.....Moses,Abraham,Jacob....all the pillars of Christian faith had more than one wife,....why should wonder marry 1????when did YAHWEH change,????He had no issues with Moses marrying two wives,or Jacob,or David......and the Bible says that He is the same,yesterday,today and forever more......who brought the theory of one man one woman??????for sure,our wives are becoming vichwa ngumu coz they know we are locked,we have no choice.....
imagine how our marriages would be if wonder had two wives?????imagine the kind of food Wonder would be served if his kamwisugha would have a competitor?????....prostitution would decline,street families would become less everyday ....
i hate to sound controversial ,but.....polygamy might be the only solution for our rotten society and its Biblical
Adam had one wife not many.If polygamy was the original intention then adam would have been given many helpers.likewise it is written that a man will leave his parents and take a wife and the two will become one.
You know nothing about Christian faith.
I think it is legal to marry more than one woman in kenya so go ahead and marry and saves us from your foolishness.
There’s a book called The Bad Popes (by Russel Chamberlain, I think). Celibacy has its roots in old school Catholicism, back when the pope was a political leader as well as a spiritual one. He (it has always been a he) was vested with ownership/custody of church property, which would then pass on to his progeny upon his demise. Celibacy was introduced/adopted to avoid ‘dilution’ of church property via such succession.