Where can I take my kid to learn how to skate?

Asanti asanti, izo ziko ata kungekua na mouth guard ningenunua …uzuri Mungu alipea watoto meno za kupractice

3year is 1 year too young…get him this scooter first…its less than 4k…you can upgrade next year

Go ahead. But don’t push her coz she might try it and hate it. Kids try all sorts of things sijui mara karate, musical instruments, sports etc…once they learn they lose interest or gain more interest. One thing that comes out of all these extra curricular activities is ‘confidence building’ which then manifests itself in other areas such as studies, discipline, staying out of trouble such as too much TV and internet…
We are parenting in v difficult times and any positive ‘distraction’ from the media should be encouraged. [SIZE=1]Price to pay…you become the driver.:D[/SIZE]

watoi wa ski hizi wako na mifupa soft kama za kuku za broiler. They break like glass due to too much soda that eats their bone to maize stock density

garden city? kuna trainers huko and plenty of safe space. even two rivers… some schools offer skating lessons as an optional activity. when she’s 4 take her to such schools that have additional physical activities by the time she’s through with pp2, akuwe anajua hadi swimming, they’re not that expensive.

Glass doesnt break easily

I disagree kidogo. We don’t give our kids sodas and goodies are rationed, not denied. And we means paros of my generation.
OP looks like anajua kwenye anenda.

Oooh yes Irush is one of good skaters around. Most of started way back out of curiosity and it has a nice thrill and good way to keep fit. Just get good pads and helmet and your kid will be good to go. We started pale UON volleyball court and nowadays I can’t believe how the sport spread all over.

Im sure people said the same thing about your generation growing up. Na naona umeamua kutuwekea street siyansi kidosh?

today’s child have osteoporosis even before they hit puberty because of all the acidity in kasoda na kajuice
[SIZE=6]Soda and Osteoporosis: The Cola Connection[/SIZE]
New research indicates that there may be more to the soda and osteoporosis connection than simply replacing the good stuff with the useless stuff.
Researchers at Tufts University, studying several thousand men and women, found that women who regularly drank cola-based sodas – three or more a day – had almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip, even though researchers controlled for calcium and vitamin D intake. But women who drank non-cola soft drinks, like Sprite or Mountain Dew, didn’t appear to have lower bone density.

Thanks! she’ll sure like this, I’ve seen it around

Golden advice right here! Truly these are very difficult times to be a parent…Only God can help us raise this baby shark generation, and the one before them…and yes I’ve read on and heard about the importance of children developing physically and understanding fully how to use their bodies which then equips them with the right mental ability to prosper in almost all areas of life…so yes I’m hoping she acquires all those important values and good qualities along the way . Thank you very much

Now that you’ve mentioned I’ve seen kids skate there at garden city…I’ll be sure to get all the right gear…thanks

Sawa, I will switch to sprite. I drink a coke or two daily.

Besides that he represented Kenya in Beijing. Halafu ako na skates sales. Training him will not be an issue. Halafu safety ndio major priority.

Hehe … khasia

Garden City bro.

We ni ng’ombe ya Museveni. It not coke it’s [SIZE=7]cola and phosphoric acid[/SIZE]

Theres a mama who lived to 108 drinking 2 cokes daily. Na hata siku hizi haina Kola nuts.

You must have cereberal malaria. Au ulikataa na deni ya mkamba akakuroga na ujinga?