This nigga got busted by his bae while cheating on her. chic hid under the bed and while nigga was gerrin it she took the snapshot…busted[ATTACH=full]1387[/ATTACH]
hii style huwa fiti
Kwani alikuwa anaikula kwa floor?
Kwanini alitoa suruali nussss?
I once got busted ramnyaring a neighbours mboch when mama mwenye nyumba showed up earlier than normal from her job it was around saa tisa which is when alot of mboches got kulwad juu ashamaliza job,mtoto amelala and she is bored senseless. Anyway ujinga si nikwenda kujificha chini ya kitanda in the master bedroom na mwenye nyumba comes in whistling away and she is changing into her home clothes all this time niko chini ya bed alafu kidogo she sits on her bed and calls for the mboch ati ama ameona slippers zake? Mboch kina shout back ati ziko chini ya kitanda and i immidiately realise that im lying on them! No word of a lie nilizichukua mos mos nikaziweka karibu na miguu yake and as she went to lean over akaziguza,akazivaa na akatoka bedroom.Mimi huyo nje ya dirisha and over the fence.Sema adrenalin rush.... Good job i wasn
t caught juu huyu matha was a good friend of my mom and i was on a two week suspension from high school juu ya ati kumwagilia bed ya prefect maji.(of course it was a false allegetion but how ironic!)
Mbisha tafuta mboch umuitishe…
Kweli kabisa…one of my favorite
I thot so too bt after a closer look and it seems like the chic emerged frm chini ya bed–dude anamangana kwa bed…angalia closely
HAHAwaaah close call aki
Boss i hope she also spoke in tongues
haha kabuda
Hehehehehe… @kambuyu…Ror…
kabuda kumbe drama ulianza kitambo
na pia karibu sana dr luther…umekua idp muda mrefu sana…welcome to ur new home
hehehe kabuda…
Ahsante sana.
Wewe ni international DFier
Back then nilikuwa nakula a friend to my wife, I was going to see my parents and I decided to pass by her friends house for a quickie, little did I know she had also planned to pay her friend a visit. She knocked when I was in the middle, na nyumba ni room moja. Alifunguliwa, I remained on the bed as the woman of the house tried to look for a reason to get her out of the room. She was in that room for 5 minutes and it felt like days.
NB: True Story.
Agreed, but the essence of this site is to entertain so just see the funny