The answer is simple.
Just put a mirror infront of you as Kenyan. Be honest, you will choose a leader based on merit or Mtu wetu, our block, mob pressure etc?
We are Africans. Born to suffer and be tortured. If we voted in someone like Kivutha for president, we would topple or execute him the next day. In Makueni there was a team of fellas who were trying to kill him for refusing to let MCAs pilfer the coffers.
Read on how Sheikh Zayed united the independent Emiratis into what is now UAE and how their governance system which mind you, isn’t a democracy has made them into the prosperous nation they are today.
Even Scripture states rather bluntly in Mark 3:25 that If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
It’s very sad we have a national vision - Vision 2030: another f*cker comes in with his team of Tuko-Pamoja locusts and reduce it to some agenda ie agenda 4 and start ravaging the 30 year vision laid by Serikali ya Nusu Mkate
Africans are [COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)]NOT Human Beings, when will you grasp this? Africans are the creatures between Chimps and Homo sapiens. We are NOT fully human.
By the way yule jamaa anaitwa @HacktivistT alienda wapi?
Ati Africans are classified as livestock and therefore part of food chain
Can you classify us Africans with the same people that build rockets that go to space. We are not the same. When the gods used to visit earth in the old days thay taught all the other races how to read and write Africans were left out. All these races have their own scripts, Chinese, Indians, Arabs, Hebrews, Malays and many others. They were taught Mathematics and Astronomy but we Africans were left out because we were still monkeys. Those beings some people call them God but I call them Aliens from Technologically Advanced galaxies.
Ni sisi pekee kama wa Afrika ndio tunaweza geuza hali yetu ya maisha si wazungu si nani ni mimi na wewe.
Shida ni mwafrika ako na ung’ombe fulani
To some extend I agree with you, maybe the aliens tried teaching us but we wouldn’t grasp a thing ,we were busy hunting and running away from lions in the African jungle
This something that make me wonder how no african tribe has their own writtings like the chinese, hebrew or indian. We learnt how to read and write when europeans arrived. Some say that the first university was in west africa, but it was using arabic language therefore it was not african. It was a project of arab missionaries. When the rest of the world was somehow exposed to stuff we were isolated and left behind. We are catching up, learning from others, unfortunately coping even their culture.
we loving blaming others, look at what we are saying now, that its the leaders we choose, we love apportioning blame - how many live in area where the roads to their homes are not paved, vumbi tupu, or without piped water.
These are not things that leaders will bring to you, its up to individuals to demand the same, in the developed countries guys are serious when it comes to demanding services, they hold town meetings, community meeting to chat the way forward for the development of their backyards - hapa we just like to blame leaders, while in actual sense we (as individuals) are the ones to blame.
Even if we elect kibwana with matiangi and peter kenneth as the deputies and have baba as the opposition leader, bado shida hazitaisha
Eko Atlantic city a game changer
Guide us to start doing that. I hope you are also doing that whenever you are.
sasa kuna watu wanablame leadership, sawa, lakini mtu kwake hafagii. compound ni chafu. fence looks pathetic. we don’t care about ourselves. how will my neighbor care about me when i set low standards for myself? why will the leader care about me when am comfortable urinating in the bush? I don’t value my life, how will the governor value it? 50 kenyans accept poor service from a bus commanded by only one tout, how will those 50 kenyans face a governor, when they cant face a matatu tout and demand for music volume to be lowered?
we sell ourselves for one shilling, the buyer will bargain and buy us for 50 cents.
Mwafrika ni yule yule. Mwambie ainame na atainama tu. Mwambie avue na atavua tu, sensi halafu kesho usikie akiteta ati ulimtomba, hana akili
This is the problem, the white man erased our history and fed us his point of view, which is, he is superior than us.
Africans had systems before the white man came and destroyed and scattered ours. He has brainwashed you to think that you are inferior to him.
Do you know the world history ? Do you know that Africans and Arabs were ahead in civilisation than the white man?
Do you know the first university in the world was started by a Muslim woman, when white people still thought of women as inferior beings ? Do you know who discovered algebra, phsycology ,and modern day medicine, chemistry ,soap , the lens, first to attempt to fly?
The white man studied from the Arabs and Africans and advanced what already existed, then he programmed you through colonialism that he was better than you ,and that thought is embedded at the back of your mind and forms the basis of your thought process as a black person.
It is the worst form of slavery every .
Back to the present , our own blackies would rather steal everything and watch others die of poverty. It’s the worst form of hostility, almost worse than what the white man has subjected us to.
Google ‘Kemetic script’. If that doesn’t work, try heiroglyphs.
Then after that, watch this one minute video, and see the color of the people, their WRITING 4400 years ago, before any of the races you speak of know what writing was.
Kuna ng’ombe zilikuwa zinasifu Idi Amin juzi