lately ive come across a trend where many loaded women start a tour/safaris business. nini iko huko?
I guess its Touring …
kuna pesa ?
Women invest like that. Parapara without any due diligence. Just because mama so and so…
Akina pollmans na the rest are in tatters, Naomi Campbell ndio huyo tena, Covid, hotels shutting down and you still think it’s a good idea.
Revenue has gone down by 80% in the last couple years. Getting in now is a mistake.
Many motorcycles and taxis are owned by women.
Mahali ya sanitize ukunguru wao as traveling
Thats what you think or atleast been told. Kwa ground things are totally fine competition is rife though,I should know
Makunguru huanza biashara just cz there is a fad.
Case in point I have a rela who had one.Tours.and she wound it down even before getting the first client.
Many of them were travel or tour consultants, so they know the trade from previous employment. Of course if you walk into a class of tours/travel studies, most will be ladies. That’s why
They want to be superrich like Akothe