Why have you been hujawahi jua?
Outdated news
You just woke up from a major coma it seems?
Stale news.
I wonder, do people really find it a good topic for the discussion?
First of all, I have no idea why you started this topic right now because it’s been ages since the public learnt about Macon’s wife. Secondly, well, alright, 25 years of age difference, so what? It is their lives and they can marry the people they want. If they feel well with each other, why should they split up? I feel that they are brave people who are ready to resist the criticism of such unintelligent people who claim that it is not alright.
Would you allow your 30yr old son marry a 55yr old woman?
It’s their business and if the pussy gets dry there’s lubricant from the chemist