What is the current prevalence of HIV/AIDS?


HIV/AIDS is one of the major causes of death among Africans, Americans, African-Americans, and Latinos in this world. AIDS was created by two very similar but different types of viruses called HIV and SIV.
Learn more on HIV/AIDS

What do you think about the politically silenced scientific theory that it originated from “smallpox vaccination” testing in Central Africa…just like ebola…vaccinations and viruses bred in biological weapon labs…vax tested on monkeys first then bonobostes next…contaminations and deliberate forced interactions of monkey and human viruses…bazunguz beloved smallpox that wiped out natives of the Americas and Australia…in his evil greed and pursuit to own everything…since smalpox…aids, ebola, etc he tries to perfect…if malaria and beloved mosquito didn’t KO him…

And the damning evidence of ARV patents and successful tests in the 80’s, papers, researcher digress, congressional evidence of bioweaponary etc and scientific history of how it all went down…bioweapons are always beings actively developed, tested then deployed…kutoka jana, leo na kesho

Read the book biohazard by alibek

nimeipata hapa


Wazungus have been weaponizing microbes for a very long time.

I am very happy that Covid sent many mzungus to their graves. Let them die like the dogs they are. Evil people those ones.

I hope China engineers another virus that can wipe of 99.99% of Caucasians. This world was a better place before their arrival via a genetic mutation.

Find the PDF of this book and learn where HIV came from.

BEHOLD A PALE HORSE BY MILTON William Cooper a Former retired US Air force Whistle Blower

The USA created it with the hopes of getting rid of negroes and homosexuals bit it backfired.
