America is f**ked. Maasai makes more sense than American academics.
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America is f**ked. Maasai makes more sense than American academics.
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been looking for this… asande
This should be good.
The world is ending soon. America will be destroyed by God himself before that happens.
There’s a cult of very insane and confused people trying to mess the world with the aid of medical technology, outlandish experiments and wierd gender-bungling activism, because they themselves are messed up. For anyone who really cares to know, there are only two genders, Male and Female. Anything else is an anomaly. That’s the plain truth, take it or leave it.
Westerners will call you “homophobic”
Anyway all this will be normalised in a few years time even in Kenya. I remember there was a time when ghey Kenyans were being lynched, now they are accepted eg that sauti sol dude and some on this forum even defend them…
The truth is out there. What some of those wierdos call homophobic is the normal uncorrupted state of mind as far as sexuality is concerned. It’s a term coined to shut down rational dissent.
That transgender woman who thinks she’s a wolf was hilarious. Masais in the village having a lot more sense than university professors and nedical doctors.
The world has been ‘ending soon’ for the last 2000 years. By now don’t you think the pipe you smoke (religion) must have something wrong with it?? If you insist on belief in anything, you would be doing much better with your own ancestor worship. But do I say.
Too much nental illness in US
I wonder what happens if someone shoots her? I don’t think it’s a crime to shoot a wolf, is it?
Postmodernist ideals transcend humanity. In this regard, she believes she’s more than human.
Its illegal if the wolf lives in a protected area:D
This is the true summary of all the gender confusion nonsense
mtu anakuita homophobic because you dont follow what he wants you to. ujinga wa hali ya juu. wazungu waendelee kutombana matako. mimi ukiwa homo hatuezi associate na wewe. unaeza kuwa unataka kunitomba matako.