Kuna siku nilisema hapa usipokuwa umekafunga by 35 you are fucked nikatusiwa sana. The only thing you can’t buy is time. Life expectancy ya Kenya ni 66 years. DJ lived to 80 probably because he could afford better healthcare. $300M can only buy you an extra decade at most. Moral of the story, you better take more calculated risks and be more aggressive when young.
For once list those calculated risks ?
Hapo sasa ni wewe na akili zako. Nobody can think on your behalf.
mko na ufala. watu wanaishi miaka 90 huku kwa village, watu hawajai ona elfu moja, na mnasema pesa ndio imeongeza kirubi maisha? Aje sasa? Mlilearn nini vile grandchild wa Moi alikufa kabla afikishe miaka 30? Mambo ya long life ama short life ni mungu anajua, sio pesa wala uamuzi wetu binadamu. There is nothing to learn from Chris Kirubi’s death.
Pewa mbili kwa bill yangu msito,umeongea kama wazee tisa wa Njuri Ncheke
In Kenya, there is high class mobility. People move up or down all the time.
I have seen jobless Kenyans hustle for more than 5 years and all over sudden, they surpass their mates who had already had their shit together.
Conversely, I know of prominent people loosing everything within a very short time.
Life is so complicated to pigeon hole economic success with an arbitrary age.
Sawa @M2Random
Kirubi alipata cancer. If he was a peasant angekufa 10 years ago.
Wealthy people tend to live longer. Kwa hivyo hii unapeana ni peasant proverb. You cite one outlier ie Mois relative and assume that money doesn’t offer a lifeline. It does.
Hapa umenena leo
Mbona hiyo pesa haikumsaidia kuongeza another decade or so
:D:D @sani amemaliza argument yako ukaamua kuchange point.
Even at 80, people are still afraid to die. The guy did everything to prevent death, he was probably too afraid to go for regular checkups when young in which case hii cancer angeishika mapema, but he waited until he was too old
Sipendi kuargue na bonobos who have minimal understanding of how large numbers work. Fala anapeana example moja ya sijui Moi’s grandson who died at 30 or wateva.
Life expectancy in Kenya is 66 years. Birrioneas live to over 80 years. Peasants ndio hukufa mapema generally and are responsible for the low life expectancy. Halafu some idiot is busy giving outliers ya the few old people in the village, and Mois grandson to prove a point.
Money matters!!
Bottomline:+ Wealthy people live longer and happier lives and this has been observed in research studies.
You don’t have to like it, but its the truth.
Maisha haina roadmap,leo maskini anaishi hadi 103,tajiri ananyuria at 27. Pesa ni tamu ukiwa nayo,pumzi ni hekaya nyingine.
Ndio nimekuuliza mbona Kirubi hakujiongeza miaka ingine kama kumi hivi if it is all about money.Kwani akishindwa ku negotiate na the life giver this time.
Your assertion is neither here nor there
Saa zingine huwa nakwambia,kama hauna kitu ya maana nyoa watu fudhii bila kelele.Hakuna kitu umesema hapo
Alikuwa ashajiongeza kumi. Kumi ingine inatoka wapi?? Money can do something, not everything. Kama Kirubi angekuwa peasant he would have died like 10+ years ago.
Endeleeni kujiconsole na peasant proverbs instead of seeing life for what it truly is. Ukiwa birrionea you are likely (not guaranteed) to live longer than you would have ungekuwa peasant. We are talking probabilities here, not certainties. On balance tajiri ataishi maisha refu kuliko masikini.
@Azor Ahai what do you make of Dj CK being a senior MGTOW bachelor. That might just be what kept him alive so long. Cc Moi,
My grandfather lived to 90. He was married. I don’t think it has anything to do with marital status.