A good number of them are outspoken Jubilee supporters, it must have been hard to diss your God Kamwana while he met & shaked hands with the devil.
After afew weeks from now they will go back to copy-pasting anti-Drumpf ululations from the New York Times & the Washington Post.
Shook shook shook. Gadamnit. [MEDIA=giphy]10OC47gvP2BKJa[/MEDIA]
Na wanajiona wako very enlightened and ‘with it’ juu wanaweka articles zimeandikwa na mzungu. Mzungu anajaribu juu chini to save a floundering industry.
I wanted to edit lakini 5 minutes had already past. Sitaki hio “Last edited at” scar at the bottom of my comment.
It’s funny how some think the USA works. The USA is not a monarchy, Trump is just a cog in what is an institution that will go on with or without him, apende, asipende. Trade deals are not done on behalf of personalities, but nations. Kenya signed several deals under Obama, did those deals go away with him when he left office? Some people just don’t get it, they are trapped in their myopic cocoons of intellectual thought.
You are fooling no one. You are the ones who mimic the myopic cocoons of intellectual thought of USA liberal media blaming Trump for everything bad that happens but when something positive happens suddenly Trump is just a cog. Hahaha! You are so transparent. I don’t care much for Trump but I have no time to frantically echo New York Times and WP like a deranged feminist.
You don’t have to search for independent sources because none would support the random drivel you just spewed. Just remind us of the last time “when something positive happen(ed)” in the United States. Anything you can think of…
You sound ready to take on the world of ‘Trump-haters’ but you’re off to an inauspicious start. Try using facts.
Address the point, otherwise enjoy your cocoon. No one needs to imagine facts, they stand on their own when Trump does it himself, with his own words and his own actions.
It sounds like you have an issue with females, did one injure your fragile ego beyond repair? Get out of your cocoon and you might begin to heal.
I see you just discovered the word cocoon. Si unaipenda. Its an interesting word I agree. Rolls off the tongue easy.
[SIZE=7]hii nimeachia watu ya mayoloz[/SIZE]
The talking heads. Wanahau the silent majority.