An associate contacted me that a certain company needed a solution to a problem. TV for PSVs with a single media source. I then sent him a proposal with different solutions and forms of approach. Later he calls me saying, “A meeting has been set, create a presentation. We meet at 7AM.”
I get a call next morning by a Uber driver he’s come to pick me up. We go to the company’s offices and to my surprise, despite being under the impression that it will a small meeting, it wasn’t a small meeting. Men from 2 telcos, 3 taxi services, 2 media houses and the son of a very famous prosperous man (who happens to own the company) were in a boardroom.
After completing my presentation and answer everyone’s questions, they discussed on which option they would choose and scheduled another meeting.
Office space was set. Whole floor of the building. My own office, Operations Manager. Six figure salary secured. My associate later called me to get a passport, they’ll send us to South Africa because a similar solution is already in effect there. I couldn’t get a passport in time so some guys went. Later my associate calls me saying, “They have to terminate our aggreement since they opted for the South African solution.”
What solution you may ask, one of the few that I gave them. It’s 3 years since that odeal and what you see out there, in those taxis and buses everywhere, on TV also, I had a part in that.
Like potatoes leaves which were almost to mature untill the cold did some cold magic on them.
They thieved you idea and implemented it themselves man! Iza lakini.
Ulipewa hii yote bila contract?
Pole sana bro for the experience. It’s also a warning to all here with decent proposals to nail in a deal before the presentation.
Hiyo agreement kwani ilikuwa aje? Pole mamen
Inaitwa pata potea
Pole Boss…they pulled a fast one on you and me thinks it’s slightly related to you missing the SA trip… and of course you did not have a Non Disclosure Agreement.
Mimi hushangaa na watu sana. Si ungehongana 10k ungepata your passport that same day. But pole bro.
Kweli, there’re somethings that need urgent and bent measures. Adrenaline hupanda in that situation….I remember getting a clearance cert in 2 days, na system ilikuwa inaniambia 1 month.
Huyu alilala, lakini lesson learned
Next time acquaintant yourself na hawa watu they help you protect your intellectual property
That son of the media owner is a real crook. Mwisi kabisaa
Kwani what solution was this, kuweka flash disk kwa tenje lazima mtu upande ndege kweli
Hata mimi ningetaka kujua ni solution gani hii
Wah…hivyo tu na umepigwa bafu chafu.
Pole sana elder. Pole.
Your buddy played you simple and clear.
You went in head first, There is something called appearing fee.Mambo ya passport is nosence.
Or could someone have deliberately sat on your passport application ?
oh wow, yaani you spoilt them for choice, but you were still replaceable?
either the Saffer guy outpaced you since I don’t think there was a huge profit margin they were saving on, between the you and the Saffer option
grammar, * an Uber driver
I guess hakuna south Africa ilikuwa iendwe… That was a plan to weed you out. Then mtu akakalia passport yako so that you blame yourself.
You should have known better than to provide details until you had a signed contract. I mean, you gave them your blueprints, what was the purpose of keeping you around?
Some Nutritionist once told me that ile idea ya ‘Slim Possible’ was originally his. (Remember that prog on Shittyzen TV with big guys exercising to Kara weight). If his story is anything to go by, he had pitched it to Sijui KTn or Ntv and then as he was awaiting for a response he saw the program being launched on Sitizen. Same script with just a few tweaks.