Juzi kuna mtu aliweka photoshop ati Ruto’s house will be undergoing renovation. Wacheni hizi story za maongo.
Makosa ishafanyika. Na bado hawajasoma lessons, wanaeka wanajeshi nairobi county. Alpha male akisha onja power huwa hakuna kurudi nyuma. They are now creating more Ruto’s. Mtu amejua power ni nini ni risasi tu itamkomesha, otherwise Ruto harudi nyuma
If that was the case then Matiba would have hit back at Moi with a hurricane or a volcano. Well we all know it never happened.
To hit back at a king can be a tricky affair all said and done.
History has taught Ruto akitaka amani acheze chi… acheze chini.
This is not Kibaki. This is Jomo Jr.
Akijaribu maziwa ya Brookside isionekane Rift Valley.
Ruto was the president 2013-2017, to take back his seat Uhuru needs backup from Raila and Moi and Muhoho and KDF and Atwoli, Arror is not a pushover
That is for sure. And it is good that he is shtum at the moment.
Alright. But he won’t be the first to take on a sitting Kenyan president. It’s a tough road ahead for your guy.
It seems Ruto has fallen into what G. G. Kariuki termed as the ‘illusion of power’. You get pampered to a point where you start imagining you are the power behind the throne.
Do you believe your vote should count? If the masses want Ruto, should they have Ruto, or the system should choose a president for them?
To some extent I hope they do that. Apart from Ruto being personally compensated through justice and what not, his political arsenal would have been stocked up NY such actions.
In Uganda Museveni dismantled Mbabazi who had been PM and a regime insider for close to 30 years. Arror will also be dismantled. Most TangaTanga amps are benefiting finacially or businesswise from Arror. The deep state must now strike at them where it matters.
When UK summoned senators iko Moja who hesiated to come. He has been supplying KEMSA for long. When this was brought up alikunja mkia na kutii.
Does Ruto want to lead this country called Kenya out of his call to duty to serve Kenyans without greed or the desire to enrich himself or is he just another Gathicha Gathecha?
I believe you already know the correct answer to that question.
You are forgetting one variable… Wanjohi is quite dumb.
Don’t underestimate the drunken master.
Chill, chill pills are over the city
Not dump…ni combination ya pombe na bhangi.
The deep state is determined on finishing Ruto politically and materially and there is nothing he or his followers can do much about it. Attacking non-kalenjins in Rift valley will be tantamount to stabbing yourselves and will draw the rest of Kenya against Kalenjins. It will be 41 against 1. And here 1 will be kales.
The masses were behind Agwambo in 2007. We all know how it went down.
You have just described another Moi.
One was enough.