West’s news dominated by Hong Kong while Yellow Vests largely ignored

Western mainstream media now operate in an extremely narrow spectrum of authorized opinions and views; you just have to look at how differently protests in Hong Kong and France are covered.

The news is dominated by Hong Kong, and yet 29 miles from England is France and this extraordinary rebellion of the ‘yellow jackets’ that has produced an equally extraordinary violence from the state and has been virtually ignored.

West media thrives on lies and propaganda.

It’s part of the outfit, you can’t go against the grain now can you?

I like how French rebellions are headstrong, we might learn a trick or two from them

What became of the famous Yellow vest protestors

Wacha zako. The French enjoy to riot because it’s in their culture. Rioting , drinking wine and fucking.

Oh and going on never ending holidays.

Now Hong Kongers on the other hand are fighting for FREEDOM from one of the most dictatorial socialist regimes on earth!!

So wacha propaganda zako.

Wewe Patco uko na short sight kama ant. You always support USA ni kama they are the perfect angels on this world. USA is the greatest Satan, Has killed more people in this world than ALL other previous empires and kingdoms put together. They even infected NIGGERS like you with Syphilis in the 60s and 70s. They topple governments in resource rich backward countries such as Panama and Venezuela and don’t want NK to acquire nukes because that diminishes they chance of invasion. Ferk America, Why don’t they go invade Russia and take their gas fields tuone.

You mean Yellow Vests are still protesting? :oops::oops:
I did a bunch of threads asking why French protesters were not getting military support from US yet Venezuela protesters were almost getting military help and I never got an answer. I’m surprised that the Yellow Vest protests are still on more than 9 months since they began.

Hong Kongers on the other hand are fighting for FREEDOM.

Another propaganda article by one @patco

Don’t be ignorant young man stick to the topic at hand and Google the history of French riots!!

Let me school you a little if you will let me.

France is the capital of Democracy!!

As in France is where MODERN DEMOCRACY was born. France is the mother of revolution.

The French killed their monarchs amd because of this incident, America was born.

Because of this incident the Russians later rose up and killed their Emperor.

Suppressed immigrants all over Europe sought to be free in new lands like America after the French Revolution.

The French Revolution gave birth to both democracy and socialism, yaani communism.

Akina Karl Marx were inspired by the French.

The Americans rebelled against the British colonialists after being inspired by the French revolution.

And rioting in France is VERY NORMAL.

In France the people call the shots not the leaders. It is a national duty to riot in France just to remind the leaders who is the boss.

France has the most powerful labour unions on earth. Even Kenyan unions are copied from the French unions. When French labour unions riot, they riot as a whole gang.

If French teachers have a problem every other union joins them.

There is no country where workers have more rights than the French because these guys riot almost every year.

France is the only country with a one hour lunch break enforced by unions.

The whole country goes on holiday in July and August. You can’t see a dentist in France in August.

If you are the President of France and there is no national riot to remove you in that year then you are very lucky indeed. The people must truly love you, because the French hawatakagi upus.

You know China is a ticking time bomb. Hong Kong is nothing. There is Mongolia, Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang.

Pale Xinjiang, Muslim Uyghur men are kidnapped and taken to re-education centers to sing communist poetry all day. Unadhani wanaskia aje roho? Their country Xinjian has been robbed of all the oil by the Han Chinese.

Ile siku katalipuka proper…