The trending hashtag since Monday has been #WeKnowYourSalary and Kenyans, in enthusiastic fashion, have been posting pictures and information on hundreds of property allegedly linked to different politicians.
The overwhelming tweets combining sensational and unverified information has given a clear sign that the president’s call for a lifestyle audit has a huge citizen backing.
i cant wait for apologist @gashwin akuje kuspin the entire story ndio ionekane ruto et al are holy people
you can stop waiting. i won’t be doing that.
Wakenya wote are corrupt/potentially corrupt…it’s only that some have not gotten the opportunity of dipping their dirty hands in the public coffers. The Kenyattas, Rutos, Odingas et al, are a microcosm of our society - they represent who we are and hw deep we have sunk in the murk as a society. Trying to be preachy and pointing fingers at a particular direction is hypocritical…what we need is a radical paradigm shift - what PLO calls moral hygiene
Asanda bro. some of us are holier than thee…
Ruto sio holy, ni mwizi etc… lakini bado kura yangu ni yake.
Kabisa, Kenyatta I, Moi, Kibaki, Raila and Dad all have one thing in common, dirty money, afadhali Ruto is the devil we all know, he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s “hustled” to get to where he is today. Na hata Ruto asipokalia kiti in 2022, the fckuer who will, will screw us over.
All this hype about #weknowyoursalary is very counterproductive if you ask me. What it has done is to allow a lot of people to introduce all kinds of wild rumors as facts. In the process you derail the investigations. It is surprising that even after so many wrong decisions owing to past ignorance, Kenyans cannot separate bar rumors from fact. And if the process fails to achieve anything because of all the interference, they’ll turn around and start insulting the people that were trying to do good in the first place.
Wacha Waibe kila kitu since the one before also stole. Ama niaje Al Shabaab? No wonder this is the same mentality you have when chopping off the hand of a mango thief.
In the real world, all this fcuking politicians we have today are the same, in 2022 labda an angel runs for president things would be different, lakini na hawa habithi zetu nothing much will change.
A citizen radio discussion a few weeks back proved that youngsters nowadays dont want to be doctors, or teachers etc, they want to be govt employees, in the procurement office. Ukweli isemwe, sisi wote ni wezi!
A fucked up society where niggas be like Jimmy Wanjigi and our daughters/sisters lyk Vera Sidika.
Ruto Owns Amaco insurance ltd…trust me, hata mkitaka awaonyeshe where he got 5b atawaonyesha tu
Many look to have bought into the notion that as long as someone has money or has an appearance of being rich, they are untouchable and can do as they please. “Kwani mtampeleka wapi” ni kama enough of a justification for someone to be a thief. A crook will not stop their ways when they are treated like that. A thief should be treated like one.