There are these people who are evidence of how little we understand in biology
There is a guy who can divide PI to 22500 decimal places without calc or any aid but cant remember people anymore than a six year old.
another one remembers every fuckin day from the 1980s including the weather, correctly.
some other guy reads the two pages of an open book at the same time, one eye for each page, in eight seconds, and remembers almost everything.
savants, problem with this guys is their other capacities are not well developed so very few of them are able to profit from their area of genius
some kids with autism also have this
some of them on that documentary are autistic
reminds me of that Touch series. Yeah autistic people have special capabilities
most of these guys have a very short life span.
Any one ever cracked the one on the boy brought to Churchill live who reads and can differentiate colours when blindfolded, what’s the explanation?
that was a con kid urged on by his mom, it was pretty clear he was peeping under the blindfold
I know a blind guy who can feel colors with his fingers.
I know a woman who can knit with her vagina. No kidding. Oh wait! That’s me.
Isn’t it a bit early to be tipsy at this hour?
Unless it has prongs to hold the knitting crotchets, and a remote control.
He did not have the left and right brain just one so no balance stuff like that
mapoko wa somaa who used to smoke with their virgina
Using what type of a needle? Wait…Dr. ringdings!
That’s obviously a con. If he was for real, he would have been $ 1 million richer if he could prove it in the James Randi challenge
The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF
Idetic &photographic memory sometimes turns into a mental disorder…
Anakumbuka a million of numbers yet hakumbuki kuvaa nguo
spotted[ATTACH=full]7408[/ATTACH] @# CBD
Yaa Mathice, part of the reason may be because the boy has an elongated/activated pineal gland a.k.a the third eye. Yet most of us have one which has shrunk.Good news is, you can activate yours.How? Watch the sungazer documentary