Weh! Hii pombe mimi hukunywa lakini saa zingine it is a monster


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Mleffi chakari

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Apparently in Central it affects you from a generational perspective. If during your grandmas rúracio alcohol was taken to her family, then during your mum’s dowry ceremony you don’t take alcohol to the in-laws, probably because you say you are saved, then hiyo pombe itawakula mpaka muishe. So I hear



Seems like they have genetic addiction. Natural selection at work

Lakini hata wewe is it necessary to open 20 threads on the same topic?

sapere men kazi ni kukunywa ethanol going impotent , kulala kwa mtaro and dying , meanwhile Luhyas in mt Kenya diaspora are busy breeding the female sapere population

@sokwemtu @kyuktothecore @Gaines

Mgisu wochman wa kwft nita kufinya ile pahali ukuwe kama monoballer @mundu_mulosi or worse homosexual eunuch @Kodiaga

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Nikishakunywa gorogoro ya busaa nakamata ndiasa ya Njeri

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