Watu WOTE Wanaoenda Kanisani Ni WANJINGA. Low IQ STUPID FOOLS

I don’t care kama ni wazazi ama siblings. Anyone who mentions to me Story za MUNGU and especially the Chrstian god ni MJINGA amabya yeye na kuku na panya wako Whatsapp group moja.


I aspire to the mwenye nyaga way of life since am a Kikuyu and there are some things that flow only when done the Kikuyu way …

But have recently returned to Catholic church…the calmness n peace I feel singing those songs and the flow gives me so much peace of mind that’s why I never miss church rch… starting this year

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Mwenye Nyaga ama Mwene Nyaga?

The people I respect are the clergy who continuously fleece their sheep of hard earned cash again and again . Hao watu wapewe heshima yao.mpaka your wives can bow down to their pastors but wewe ni normal Baba Clichy, Baba Dickson


Also thinking of joining Catholic.Wako liberal kiasi hawana ungati mob.Halafu been rewatching mass ya Pope the day he visited The University of Nairobi.Hio mass buana ukiskiza na ile home theatre ya Lg high volume unaskia ni kama Mungu alikua UON literally bauna.Never felt the same kwa any other crusade.

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Are Germans, Japanese, British etc wajinga coz they go to church or temples?




Our forefathers were stupid low IQ bonobos who fell for simple things such as mirrors and bicycles.

The current breed of negroes still falls victims to conmen dressed in robes and reading from a Hebrew storybook




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the funny part is jesus approves this message… the god of this plane it s evil… and deceit is his favorite weapon

The most developed and advanced countries in the world are in western Europe and north america and all are christian nations. Even the japanese borrowed most of their technology and systems from germany and other western european countries. So christianity has proven itself over centuries to be the best for the development and prosperity of human societies. Budhism also brings stablity and progress though it is closed racial religion. On the other end of the spectrum islam always leads to destabilized and retrogressed societies. So we kenyans made the right choice to be christians even though no one stops you from following your traditional african religion.

So basically ALL RELIGION IS BAD, NOW I INCLUDE EVERYONE. RELIGION HAS caused more deaths than disease outbreaks

The stupid masses are the Christians , the elites are something else , I know you understand kina bush and the American ruling class are members of skull &bones or freemasons like George Washington. The masses are the ones who fall for religious bullshit for control.
Without religion this earth would be ungovernable. Religion sells hope to fools like you who are 90% of the world population,and where there is hope there is positive energy and order .
I know you can’t understand

What’s wrong with you man. Always on Kenyatalk complaining and cursing everything. Where do you get all the time? Mtu mwenye yuko productive with work/business,life,family does not behave like you.You sound like a bitter underachieving low life who is very bitter with life. You are not behaving like a man, always complaining about everything


He should spend more time in his profession like his colleagues in the industry are doing and that way he will have a positive outlook to life. He is living proof that an idle mind is the devils workshop.







There are two kinds of fools: the ones who take religion literally and the ones who think it has no use. Its clear which camp you’re in.


Mkubwa nini mbaya Leo? Meanwhile try reading this book “God is not a Christian” by Desmond Tutu on the universality of God. He argue s tht you not have to be a Christian to believe in God and do good to humanity.