Good. Finally someone who knows his worth. At least mtu mwingine akule hiyo pesa. Someone who actually needs that money lakini 5k to anyone kwa TV ni kudharauliwa, hata kama ni msee was base ya mogoka. 15-20k per match minimum wage per match would suffice. 5k kwa Wanyama ni lunch pale Intercontinental
USD 50 Vs 10,000
Enyewe Wanyama ameona hii ni ufala. Najua ingekuwa six figure hangedinda:D
Ujinga yake tu, mwafrica akipata pesa Mazee!!! When he gets older ata kuwa anawapembeleza.
If it’s me I would have done it for free so that i build my brand and also act as a role model
Dude would be commenting on his fellow players which is in itself tricky. Kuna haja gani he risks bad blood with team mates for a meagre $50.Upuzi kabisa. What brand? He’s an athlete not a musician. The better he performs on the pitch the more sponsorship deals he gets.
Bad blood gani on a local TV station??
Wanyama the brand
I have always felt Wanyama needs to improve his PR/Communication and though the 5k is laughable,I do feel this would have been a worthy experience for him.
TV pundits are very well paid especially in UK that’s why you see most former players prefer it to management.
What other brand is wanyama building? The guy is a hot prospect in the EPL, everything else will fall into place…
There is life’s after his football career is over.
You are just salty for no reason with your jealous People’s proverbs. How many players who were pundits on local tv during 2010 and 2014 world cup can you remember? Still on that how did that help build their brands?
By that time with proper financial management he will be a billionaire by Kenyan standards. Siku hizi when players get a little old they usually go to the Turkish league to continue earning their millions, after that gets difficult you head to the American MLS for your handsome payment and if that gets too demanding you go to the Chinese who will somehow continue paying you millions and you could retire there. If you still hungry you can choose to head to Saudi Arabia to get that oil money. Retirement in football for known players is very subjective these days.
That station is obviously NTV.
Sasa we know what the analysts will be earning, they have no right to brag about
:D:D 5k * 32= 160,000. Not bad for a part time hustle.
Like all athletes there is life after football.
5k for 2hour job??? that is like minimum wage in Europe. Peanuts. Not worth the trouble.
You’d think they make some good millions by appearing on the big screen
Salty for what exactly? No wonder u fail, ur thots are very confined. Him appearing just on tv is a huge plus to his after footballing life
That’s not even a salary, just allowance that’s why they go for people who have a daily hustle