[LEFT]US-Mexico border, the world’s most heavily regulated and policed border zones—the arid climate of which is responsible for many migrant deaths each year. But it’s also an area that occasionally lends itself to more cheerful pursuits. “Wallyball” is an annual tradition in the sister towns of Naco, Arizona, in the United States and Naco, Sonora, in Mexico. Every April, teams from either side of the border face off in this “fast-paced version of volleyball,” It’s called the “Fiesta Bi-Nacional,” and it’s intended to solidify positive transnational relations between Mexico and the US, despite tensions over migration and other issues. “Wallyball” has been an integral part of Fiesta Bi-Nacional since 1979, and has inspired similar competitions elsewhere along the US-Mexico border. Holiday-makers in the US city of San Diego and the Mexican city of Tijuana have taken up [B]impromptu volleyball matches[/B] on the sandy beaches where both countries meet the Pacific Ocean.
Residents of Naco, Arizona, USA (Left) and Naco, Sonora, Mexico (Right) play an annual game of transnational volleyball.