666 is here with us. @Karoga illuminati mumeamua kama mbaya mbaya. Lakini our MIGHTY GOD WILL SAVE US.
Iko sawa. All a persons data should be in a chip under the skin
Iko sawa kabisa. Imma wait it out tho’ till dem’ YouTube vids on “DIY #lob chip insertion” come out. Hiyo kitu unfaa kusunda place wee pekee ndo unajua.
It should even keep data on how many kungurus you have eaten
Beast system, said it before, some talkers rediculed me and indirectly called me a religious zealot , where are they now ?
So is a Covid certificate the mark of the beast or what? If so, who is the beast? The covid virus itself? You are so desperate for your so-called prophecies to come true you don’t even care if they make sense.
Your phone number is a beast system. Go ahead, go offline.
The world will end within the next few decades when the population hit more than 20,000,000,000. At that time, Mars will have already been terraformed and colonized by humans. The lucky will escape to the red planet while your peasant descendants will become extinct.
Vaccine sigwes kubali.
What you should be asking yourself is the following question. It’s all that matters.
Is your name written in the Lamb’s book of life?
Rev 13:8
All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.
Wewe umaskini au kisonono ndio itakumaliza kwanza kabla ya hii mambo ya the beast
Yes you are a religious zealot and an idiot. Sweden has been having microchip implants since 2018 and has nothing to do with your silly Semitic bullshit that is Christianity. FYI, the Israelis were planning to microchip their whole population before even the pandemic. If only you spent more time reading than listening to the gutter preachers, things would be different.
Wewe ndio wa Cornell ama?:D:D:D
Lakini ujue elders @magreb @uwesmake @Agwambo @Yuletapeli waliamua mbaya mbaya. Lazima uoe by force. Hii tabia ya kutoroka majukumu tuna maliza.
Huwezi kuwa ukijipiga kifua mbele ya wanaume juu huna responsibility. Infact BBI ikifufuka MGaytow will be a criminal offence minimum seven years in jail.
:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW=FREEDOM… I am not boarding!!! Planteshen siwezi ingia kamwe!!!.." Mukinifukuza " nitaenda senyet
oliskia wapi? most of the world is still empty
another semitic bullshit
:D:D:D planteshen lazima uingie hii December.
Na nilikuambia upatie elders qualities ulitafuta uka give up. Unaweza bahatika kaka…
Ukitaka vitu mzito @rexxsimba will advice you.
:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW= FREEDOM…Mimi napenda zaidi hii Mgtow alpha male lifestyle,mambo ya planteshen siwezi Fanya kabisa,hii December lazma niingie Zanzibar by 12th and I will leave kitu tarehe 6 January ,pre wall soft meat gal Amina na mayengs wake lazma niwaroge hii holiday .